URGENT: .NET Class for creating buttons ?!

  • Thread starter Thread starter dragonforce99
  • Start date Start date


We ( our company ) has a BIG problem. Our technical service provider
that created our corp website is using some kind of script ( .asp )
and some .NET stuff to create buttons on the fly.

The Problem is that the fonts look terrible! No smoothing for example,
so the font looks really ugly.

The are unable to fix it, so this is my desperate try to find
something that does it better.

Can ANYONE name me some .NET Classes that do font smoothing, or create
buttons on the fly via .ASP / .NET Classes/Scripts etc. that actually
do what we need?

I am NOT a programmer, but I would give the Infos, URLs, etc. to the
dragonforce99 said:
We ( our company ) has a BIG problem. Our technical service provider
that created our corp website is using some kind of script ( .asp )
and some .NET stuff to create buttons on the fly.

The Problem is that the fonts look terrible! No smoothing for example,
so the font looks really ugly.

The are unable to fix it, so this is my desperate try to find
something that does it better.

Can ANYONE name me some .NET Classes that do font smoothing, or create
buttons on the fly via .ASP / .NET Classes/Scripts etc. that actually
do what we need?

I am NOT a programmer, but I would give the Infos, URLs, etc. to the



As you're not sure of the technologies employed by your Technical Service
Provider, (you mention ASP, .NET and an unknown scripting language), I'm
responding with information relative to ASP.NET. The ASP.NET Button class
has a Font property which can be used to designate the font and attributes
such as Size, Bold, Italic, etc. This is pretty basic stuff.
Surely they can use a font that would be more pleasing to the eye.
Are you sure they understand what is being requested? Is it possible they
just *don't want* to make the changes?

VG.net does not yet have an asp.net web control, but you might want to look
at it. The run-time is free. We want to support this type of scenario. If
you want to be a beta tester, you could help us figure out what we need.

Frank Hileman

check out VG.net: www.vgdotnet.com
Animated vector graphics system
Integrated VS.net graphics editor

dragonforce99 said:
We ( our company ) has a BIG problem. Our technical service provider
that created our corp website is using some kind of script ( .asp )
and some .NET stuff to create buttons on the fly.

The Problem is that the fonts look terrible! No smoothing for example,
so the font looks really ugly.

The are unable to fix it, so this is my desperate try to find
something that does it better.

Can ANYONE name me some .NET Classes that do font smoothing, or create
buttons on the fly via .ASP / .NET Classes/Scripts etc. that actually
do what we need?

I am NOT a programmer, but I would give the Infos, URLs, etc. to the
Thanks to both you for your help so far!

Choosing another font would not be possible. Reason being is that
EUROSTILE is our corp font that goes hand in hand with our CI and we
have to find a way to use it.

Since the website is multilanguage and there are tons of buttons ( not
just navigation but also Shopping Categories, etc. ) they need to be
made on the fly and we are not able to use "static" buttons which
would look alot cleaner.

We also tried different version of the font ( OTF, TTF, etc. ) - no go
- same bad outcome :cry:

@Frank Hileman: That sounds VERY interesting. I will talk to our
system admin ( inhouse ) and we will probably take you up on your

Best regards
and if someone else has something for me please don't hesitate to
This method may assist,

Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

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