urgent! need clip art pictures...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

It's Friday night and Saturday morning. I am still here cramming for a
presentation for my boss...

I need to find the following clip art pictures:

1. A time axis or something like a line showing time flows from morning to
evening, for example, a clock with clock arms at different positions; I need
to use this to show that the following a few slides are divided into
morning, noon, afternoon, evening(afterwork)... etc.... from sun rise to sun

2. Morning. Need some picture to tell the audience that this slide is for
morning. Some picture showing a man/woman waking up, etc. would be great.

3. At work. Talking with people, or friends, etc. Picture showing these
scenarios would be great;

4. Listen to music. Picture showing this type of scenarios are great!

5. Doing exercises. Jogging, etc. I am looking for pictures showing

Please help me! Thanks a lot!
Hi Mike,

You are just a bit a head of the class with this request... this upcoming
Wednesday I have a post on ThePowerPointBlog.com about a newly available
clipart and image resource. ClickArt, which is one of the venerable CDROM
based collections just released as on online (and searchable!) subscription.
Images are good, not excellent. But for $40 you have access to millions of
images. Check it out here: http://clickart.broderbund.com/en/