Urgent Macro help needed

  • Thread starter Thread starter kaz85
  • Start date Start date


Hi there, first time poster. I need help with my macros in my database.
When I record a macro. I then assign it to a button. When I click on it
to run it. It opens up with some kind of Visual Basic editor. This has
never happened before. And I dont know how to fix it :(.
Everyone who posts has an urgent need. Why is your's more urgent than
You should always copy/paste your code, NOT your workbook, for comments.
As long as there is no error message bing shown, sounds
like you have press F8 or F9 in your code, if you see a
line of code highlight in yellow then just stop the code
(There's a blue stop button under the menu bar option
Window), and the press CTRl+SHIFT+F9 to clear all break
points. Save the workbook and bobs your uncle your in the
clear.... I hope

still didnt work :(.I have no trouble creating macros in new worksheets,
this is quite annoying. I hate excel :(
It's really hard to say given the vagueness of your description. My guess
would be that maybe there's an error so it breaks. Perhaps if you ran the
code from the editor with the break on all errors box checked on properties,
you might could figure it out a little more easily.

My apologies for the earlier, unhelpful and crass response from our

Go to sheet1
Right click on the sheet tab and select view code.

click in the module, do Ctrl+a

hit the delete key.

this should clear out all code in the module (and get ride of you
incorrectly formatted sub declaration).

click in the upper right corner of the module window to close it.
FYI I was trying to be helpful by suggesting that the OP explain with a
sample of his code.
And, I do not need you to apologize for me. No apology is due. If you do a
search of my postings you will find that I am helpful.

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
Bill Allen said:
It's really hard to say given the vagueness of your description. My guess
would be that maybe there's an error so it breaks. Perhaps if you ran the
code from the editor with the break on all errors box checked on properties,
you might could figure it out a little more easily.

My apologies for the earlier, unhelpful and crass response from our

Re Don Guillet's posts, There appear to be a lot of people like him o
this board who are good at programming but ooooh so bad at basic huma
relations skills (no pun intended).

Putting novice posters down isn't helpful, it only serves to highligh
the shortcomings of the puter downer - don't do it