Urgent: How to send mail an with pdf attachment

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashish Kanoongo
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Ashish Kanoongo

I am looking for solution for sending mail from ms access (by click on command button) with pdf attachment.

I tried following options

1. Sendobject - It wont support PDF attachment
2. Application.FollowHyperlink ("mailto:" & "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback&body=The InetSDK Site Is Superlative&Attachment=c:\autoexec.bat" - It opens the new message perfectly with all the parameters but with any attachment, secondly I dont want to message, message should directly go rather then I shold click on send button
3. MAPI - I have used access 95, but in access 2000 it is not working, let me know how do I handle this.
4. createobject(Outlook.Application) - It works well, but every time it ask for confirmation because of Outlook Security, How can I ignore this prompt message programatically.

I am open for using any of the above option. Can I use CDO 1.21 and how? Is there any sample, so I can use CDO also.

Please help me, I am stuck here.

Here is one solution for the security problem:

Dan Artuso, Access MVP

I am looking for solution for sending mail from ms access (by click on command button) with pdf attachment.

I tried following options

1. Sendobject - It wont support PDF attachment
2. Application.FollowHyperlink ("mailto:" & "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback&body=The InetSDK Site Is
Superlative&Attachment=c:\autoexec.bat" - It opens the new message perfectly with all the parameters but with any attachment,
secondly I dont want to message, message should directly go rather then I shold click on send button
3. MAPI - I have used access 95, but in access 2000 it is not working, let me know how do I handle this.
4. createobject(Outlook.Application) - It works well, but every time it ask for confirmation because of Outlook Security, How can I
ignore this prompt message programatically.

I am open for using any of the above option. Can I use CDO 1.21 and how? Is there any sample, so I can use CDO also.

Please help me, I am stuck here.


In addition to Dan's suggestion about 'Redemption' for the
Outlook security problem, you may be interested in "PDF Pro
Mail Library 10" which is an addin that was developed to
allow you to create PDF's automatically in code and email
them out on the fly. I don't have the address for the
developer's site, but a google search should find it easily.

Gary Miller
Sisters, OR

message I am looking for solution for sending mail from ms access
(by click on command button) with pdf attachment.

I tried following options

1. Sendobject - It wont support PDF attachment
2. Application.FollowHyperlink ("mailto:" &
"mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback&body=The
InetSDK Site Is Superlative&Attachment=c:\autoexec.bat" - It
opens the new message perfectly with all the parameters but
with any attachment, secondly I dont want to message,
message should directly go rather then I shold click on send
3. MAPI - I have used access 95, but in access 2000 it is
not working, let me know how do I handle this.
4. createobject(Outlook.Application) - It works well, but
every time it ask for confirmation because of Outlook
Security, How can I ignore this prompt message

I am open for using any of the above option. Can I use CDO
1.21 and how? Is there any sample, so I can use CDO also.

Please help me, I am stuck here.

I guess I am not clear on your question. Did you feel that
it would not do what you are asking for? I am using it in
combo with PDF995 and it works fine with no user
intervention required with the exception of the Outlook
Security problem that Redemption can solve.

The manner that I use it is the user selects a report and a
recipient, an Access report is generated behind the scenes
and then PDF Pro converts the Access report to a PDF file
then creates an email with the PDF file attached and sends
it in the background to the address specified. The only
complication is the Outlook prompt which Redemption can
defeat and also another utility that I think is called
ClickYes can handle.

I thought that this was what you were trying to do. Forgive
me if I am confused.

Gary Miller
Sisters, OR

Ashish Kanoongo said:
I have already viewed this products. Any other suggestion
I recommend using a non CDO or Outlook method and instead using a third party email
COM component like aspmail (basically one DLL you put in the same directory as your access database).
We have a sample in the eval for our batch reporting module which
creates a bunch of PDF files and then emails them to customers as attachments.

RPT Software

PS: I'm currently giving away the source code at the regular $99.95 price.

I am looking for solution for sending mail from ms access (by click on command button) with pdf attachment.

I tried following options

1. Sendobject - It wont support PDF attachment
2. Application.FollowHyperlink ("mailto:" & "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Feedback&body=The InetSDK Site Is Superlative&Attachment=c:\autoexec.bat" - It opens the new message perfectly with all the parameters but with any attachment, secondly I dont want to message, message should directly go rather then I shold click on send button
3. MAPI - I have used access 95, but in access 2000 it is not working, let me know how do I handle this.
4. createobject(Outlook.Application) - It works well, but every time it ask for confirmation because of Outlook Security, How can I ignore this prompt message programatically.

I am open for using any of the above option. Can I use CDO 1.21 and how? Is there any sample, so I can use CDO also.

Please help me, I am stuck here.
