Here's an idea for you to get your history data out of BCM.
Run a report called Activity, By Business Contact (or Account). After it
runs, click on Modify Report, and change the filter to find the accounts or
contacts you're looking for. Then, click on Columns, and under Basic
Columns, select Comments, plus any other columns you want to export. Then,
click on the Excel icon on the icon bar and it will export to Excel. You
should have all the history you'd want. You can save that as CSV or XLS and
maybe import it into your new program.
Lon Orenstein
pinpointtools, llc
(e-mail address removed)
Author of Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager For Dummies
Author of the eBook: Moving from ACT! to Business Contact Manager
800.238.0560 x6104 Toll Free (U.S. only) +1 214.905.0401 x6104
RV said:
I did try to do a repoort, sekectubg 'business history", but it didn't
any of the history - just the contact informatiion.
EDIT - While trying to resolve this I folllowed driections for 'managing
data files' and made a new file with a new name, hoping to be able to
it or do something. Now my contacts are gone. How do I get back to the
list of contacts?
Can I just say I hate, hate, hate BCM.
mrtimpeterson via OfficeKB.com said:
If it helps any, you CAN print a BCM report. Create the report and then
select the print options under the File drop down in the upper left hand
corner of the open report.
RV wrote:
I can't believe there's not some way to print a report. At least then I
could copy and paste the text without opening each little note and phone
for each contact.
[quoted text clipped - 18 lines]
knew BCM was bad, butI can't believe there's no way to get my linked
out without opening each specific note and printing it out.