Urgent help required with understanding Outlook 2002 data transfer


Johnny Noitargim

Dear all,

first of all apologies if my post has appeared to more than one
newsgroups... as I am now getting desperate for comments I need to 'push'
this out as far as possible.

I need to understand the following:

All my clients are win2k with Outlook 2002. My Exchange server is 2k.
A user sends a mailshot with 100 emails each email 50kb attachments. Can
someone explain what will be communicated to and from the Exchange server? I
need to pinpoint the data transfer so that I understand how much bandwidth
to allocate to the clients. (if someone is aware of a MS white paper even
better). I just need to formally explain why (and how often) Outlook will
decide to send (or receive) 10 MB to/from the Exchange box.

Many thanks in advance,


Brian Tillman

Johnny Noitargim said:
I need to understand the following:

All my clients are win2k with Outlook 2002. My Exchange server is 2k.
A user sends a mailshot with 100 emails each email 50kb attachments.
Can someone explain what will be communicated to and from the
Exchange server? I need to pinpoint the data transfer so that I
understand how much bandwidth to allocate to the clients. (if someone
is aware of a MS white paper even better). I just need to formally
explain why (and how often) Outlook will decide to send (or receive)
10 MB to/from the Exchange box.

Depends. When you say "a mailshot with 100 emails" are you saying 100
separate messages or that there are 100 Exchange addresses in the recipient
fields? If the former, then he's sending 5 MB total (100x50KB). If the
latter, then he's sending only 50KB. I'm not an Exchange expert, but my
understanding is that, in that latter case, there's only one copy of the
50KB message and all 100 recipients, if they're on the same Exchange server,
reference the same physical message, each receiving only a pointer to it and
not the actual message itself. Again, though, that may be wrong. In the
former case, though, he is sending more, since they're distinct messages.

Johnny Noitargim

Thanks Brian,

clarification is the same attachment (it does not matter) to 100 different,
external recipients.


Brian Tillman

Johnny Noitargim said:
clarification is the same attachment (it does not matter) to 100
different, external recipients.

Again, are these 100 addresses in the recipient field(s) of a single message
or are you sending 100 messages each with a single address in the recipient
field (like a mail merge)? If the former, then I suspect (although I don't
know; I'm speculating on a limited knowledge of how Exchange works) that the
message size between the client and the Exchange server is 50 KB. The
message size between the Exchange server and the outside world is 50 KB for
each unique domain in the recipient list. For example, if half of the
messages are addressed to (e-mail address removed), (e-mail address removed), and so
on and the other half addressed to (e-mail address removed),
(e-mail address removed), etc., then Exchange will send out two 50 KB messages.
If there are 100 different domains in the recipient list, then Exchange will
send out 100 messages each 50 KB in size.

If it's the case if a mail merge-type session, then I suspect 100 messages
each 50 KB will pass from the client to Exchange and then again from
Exchange to the outside world, but since I've never done a mail merge, I'm
not positive of that.

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