Urgent help needed


Scott Moore

OK, here's the problem- I was given a Mustek 1200 UD Plus
scanner. I downloaded the XP drivers, installed, and
plugged it in- everything seemed OK, until I tried to use
it- where it locked my system up tight. Upon reboot, I am
now locked out of every folder below the program files
dirctory, with the message access denied. Nothing I can
do changes it- permissions are all correct, full access.
Drive is brand new and in perfect shape, and I can access
and run everything not in the program files folder.

I know this is an issue for the company that made the
drivers that caused this, but good luck finding anyone
there. A search of the web and usenet turned up nothing.

Any help before I give up and format this thing?

L. A. Powell

Perhaps you can get out of this sticky situation by using System Restore
to the date prior to installing the scanner.


L. A. Powell said:
Perhaps you can get out of this sticky situation by using System
Restore to the date prior to installing the scanner.

Go into Safe Mode and do a System Restore there.


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