Urgent help needed

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I have a main form that has button to link to another sub form. My problem
that I used the wizard to create the form and subform. However, when I click
on the button it doesn’t take me to the subform. How to do that. Please I
need help.

Not sure I understand ... usually a main form HAS a subform on it, and
doesn't require a button to "link to" the subform.

When you open the "code behind the form" for the button, what does it say?
When I used the wizard I chose the link forms option, that's why I got a
button to link to my subform.

Jeff Boyce said:

Not sure I understand ... usually a main form HAS a subform on it, and
doesn't require a button to "link to" the subform.

When you open the "code behind the form" for the button, what does it say?
I suspect you have one form, a command button, and another form, not a
"subform". When you are in form design mode, on your "main" form, do you
have a "subform control"?

What does the code behind the command button say?

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Buthy said:
When I used the wizard I chose the link forms option, that's why I got a
button to link to my subform.
Hi Jeff,

Basically I have “main†form, which has a command button. And another
“subform†not displayed in the “main†form. As during creation of those forms
I used linked forms. That command button created at the time of wizard and
supposed to take me to the other â€subform†which is outside the “main†form.

Hi Buthy

basically, you to want to open one form from a button on another form and
you used the wizard to create the button and it's not opening the second
form .. have you tried deleting the button and re-creating it? sometimes
this helps.

I think my problem is not understood very Cleary. I need to create one master
form with personal details and that form has more that 10 command buttons
that lead to other subforms and the link between the main and subforms is the
file number. That’s why I am using the wizard of access to establish the link
between all the subforms and main form.
I hope that is clear.

Hi Buthy

firstly just a note for your information - the term "subform" is generally
used to describe another form EMBEDDED into the main form, e.g. at the top
of the form you have the person's name then embedded into that form is a
subform containing what courses they have attended in the past.

from what i'm reading on your post you have a form (with personal details,
containing a file number) and you want 10 buttons on that form, each button
is used to open another form, containing different information (but with a
file number) to link them up

if when you use the wizard to create the button (the wizard does come up and
ask you questions, like which form & whether you want to display all data or
only selected data etc - doesn't it?) the button doesn't then work - in my
experience deleting the button and trying again generally solves the problem

have i understood your problem now?

A portion of the confusion here is due to how the word "subform" is being

In Access, a subform is "embedded" on a mainform, not something that is
opened (?linked to?) by pressing a command button.

Perhaps another way to describe what you have is a main "menu" form, with
more than 10 command buttons, each of which is supposed to open another

As Julie suggests, try deleting one of the command buttons and try
re-creating it via the wizard. When you use the wizard, are you selecting
the form you wish to have opened?
Hi JulieD,

What are you saying is absolutely right. I am expert in Oracle products and
my knowledge of Access isn’t that much and I need help from you. I have to
create master form and has link to other forms like the example you gave of
person’s name and courses taken. So the person’s details would be in the
master form. And if I click on courses comand button in that form another
form appears (by file number link).
Please help me. As I have a big project to finish.

Thank you brother Jeff,
Hi Buthy

so go into design view of the master form, bring up the toolbox menu ensure
the wizard icon is indented (ie selected), click on the command button and
you'll get a wizard that will walk you through doing this ... ensure that
when it asks about displaying all records or only selected records - choose
selected records then on both sides of the screen select the matching fields
and click the <--> button in the middle of the screen.

let me know how you go with this.

Just a side note, Jeff ... i saw your reply briefly pop up and then seemed
to be wiped from the server in my system anyway (using outlook express to
msnews.microsoft.com) but Buthy seemed to be able to access it ... any ideas
what happened here???



I've seen similar "phantoms" -- I still have no idea where the electrons are
actually going, so I'm not sure <g>.

Thank you all for your help.

Jeff Boyce said:

I've seen similar "phantoms" -- I still have no idea where the electrons are
actually going, so I'm not sure <g>.
