FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie works fine in IE7, but not in IE6. Any
idea why?
Any alternative to FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie?
Here's my code:
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Convert.ToString(Request("lexusername") &
""), True)
The ViewCalendar.aspx page is only for authenticated users. It keeps
kicking me back to the login page even though the username password is
correct. I know because this gives me TRUE:
Membership.ValidateUser(Convert.ToString(Request("lexusername") & ""),
Convert.ToString(Request("lexpassword") & ""))
idea why?
Any alternative to FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie?
Here's my code:
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Convert.ToString(Request("lexusername") &
""), True)
The ViewCalendar.aspx page is only for authenticated users. It keeps
kicking me back to the login page even though the username password is
correct. I know because this gives me TRUE:
Membership.ValidateUser(Convert.ToString(Request("lexusername") & ""),
Convert.ToString(Request("lexpassword") & ""))