Urgent D2 Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brendon Rogers
  • Start date Start date

Brendon Rogers

I just noticed that the FRS service had just stopped on one of our DC's.
When I went to start it again it EVENT ID'd 13521 which indicated the D2
burflag has been set.

We definitely haven't set this registry setting but its is there - somehow
the DC has done this itself. We have about 40GB in Dfs / FRS so we need to
play gently here.

Any suggestions?

I have seen instances of this in the past when an application (Backup Exec
9.1 in my case) has created the key "StopNTFRSfromStarting" in
hklm/system/ccs/services/ntfrs/parameters/backup restore/ and does not
delete the key when the backup procedure is completed. The idea is that we
do not want to try to backup the FRS data while there is a possibility that
it may change; so the application vendors can "temporarily" put this key in
the registry and when the procedure is completed, remove this key; in some
instances this key does not get deleted. Let me know if this helps,

Adam Arndt
We do have BEX 9.1 running - but on a completely different server which
never touches the server which had the D2 problem.

We also have the Veritas Storage Replicator client running on the server -
this replicates user home drives and shared data back to the central server
which we then backup. The data that the VSR client works with is not
included in FRS replicas. So although we have two different replication
tools running on the server they are not operating with the same data.