Fidelis K
I've bought an Antec P180B. According to the manual, two tool boxes should
have come with the case. Mine came with only one (it was inside the lower HD
What I have is:
1. Rails for 5.25 & 3.25 drives.
2. Top fan spoiler
3. A few brass standoffs and silicon grommets
4. Some lo-o-o-o-ong screws <-- Should I use these to install a motherboard?
5. Lots of small, short screws <-- There are two types. One is very thin
with a small washer-like thing attached to the head. The other is a little
bit thicker.
I just want to make sure I got all the tools.
have come with the case. Mine came with only one (it was inside the lower HD
What I have is:
1. Rails for 5.25 & 3.25 drives.
2. Top fan spoiler
3. A few brass standoffs and silicon grommets
4. Some lo-o-o-o-ong screws <-- Should I use these to install a motherboard?
5. Lots of small, short screws <-- There are two types. One is very thin
with a small washer-like thing attached to the head. The other is a little
bit thicker.
I just want to make sure I got all the tools.