I am creating a PP presentation and want to actually have one of my text slide to be upside down. Is there anyway to do this? I will have no images on this slide just text.
to be upside down. Is there anyway to do this? I will have no images on this slideI am creating a PP presentation and want to actually have one of my text slide
Steve Rindsberg said:to be upside down. Is there anyway to do this? I will have no images on this slide
just text.
Try this:
Select the slide in Slide Sorter view and choose Edit, Copy.
Switch to regular slide or normal view and choose Edit, Paste Special and choose
Windows Metafile or Enhanced Metafile (try it both ways, see which works better)
That will give you a rotatable graphic. Spin it 180 degrees and voila!
PPT Upslide Down. Cake!
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com
slide to be upside down. Is there anyway to do this? I will have no imagesDavid said:I am creating a PP presentation and want to actually have one of my text
This is novel. ALL our text in Australia is the right way up <grin>.