UPS has grounding - safety grounding. That is not earth
grounding. Previous requirement posted repeatedly- a short
connection - less than 10 feet. Requirement traceable to an
engineering concept called wire impedance and other
engineering concepts such as single point earthing and induced
First on the list of reasons is wire impedance. Assume a
UPS is plugged into a 20 amp receptacle that is 50 feet from
breaker box. Safety ground wire measures less than 0.2 ohms
resistance. But it is also maybe 130 ohms impedance to the
surge. A 100 amp surge shunted by that UPS or plug-in
protector would leave protector AND adjacent computer at
something less than 13,000 volts. 13,000 volts difference
between protector and breaker box due to too much wire
impedance. Too much impedance because the earth ground
connection is much greater than 10 feet.
'Whole house' protector connected less than 10 foot would
have maybe 40 ohms impedance on that 6 AWG bare copper ground
wire. 400 volts between breaker box (and rest of building)
and earth ground. Voltage so low that internal protection
inside all appliances is not overwhelmed - no surge damage.
The less than 13,000 volts may seek other and destructive
paths to earth via appliances because surge protector circuit
is too far from earth. One classic symptom of this less than
13,000 volt transient would be modem's 'No Dialtone Detected'
error message.
Demonstrated is why protectors adjacent to a computer are
not earthed and why that means no effective protection. Other
factors, such as induced surges (because ground wire is
bundled with other wires) is not discussed here. But induced
transients also are why plug-in protectors are not effective -
being not properly earthed.
Again, the plug-in manufacturer instead avoids all mention
of earthing. Why? That 13,000 volt example is just another
reason why he must avoid mentioning earth to sell his
ineffective, overpriced, typically undersized protector. Yes,
those adjectives are accurate. Just look on his box. He even
fails to mention the difference between safety ground and
earth ground because he does not claim that kind of
protection. A surge protector is only as effective as its
earth ground - which is why the less expensive, larger joule,
well earthed 'whole house' protector is the effective
Again, I am only repeating what was discussed in that
previous newsgroup at
Then the art of earthing. Surge protectors are simple
science. What makes protection effective and what is the
artform is earthing - discussed by engineers on 28 Jul 2002 in
two threads in the newsgroup misc.rural: and