I have problem uppgrading my win ME to win 2000 by using the win 2000 CD. A
dialog box says a upg.DLL file cant be found. I tryed starting the
installation from winnt32.exe as microsoft troubleshooting says but the same
problem remains. How can I uppgrade when i have the win 2000 CD. I had this
CD for several years though without using it.
Thanks for help.
I have problem uppgrading my win ME to win 2000 by using the win 2000 CD. A
dialog box says a upg.DLL file cant be found. I tryed starting the
installation from winnt32.exe as microsoft troubleshooting says but the same
problem remains. How can I uppgrade when i have the win 2000 CD. I had this
CD for several years though without using it.
Thanks for help.