upper case to lower case

  • Thread starter Thread starter andy_
  • Start date Start date


Hi everyone,

Got a small problem with excel.
I need to convert some text from upper case to lower case, easy i hear
you say..
The only problem is that the first letter of each word needs to be
upper case.
i.e TURBO DIESEL needs to be Turbo Diesel, this is just an example
there are too many variations to do a simple find and relplace
Any help would be appreciated

If the text that you want to convert is in A1
enter this in any cell you fancy.

I'll leave the rest to you.

George Gee
Have a look at the PROPER function.

If the all caps text is in A1 put in B1 =PROPER(A1)
Use the PROPER function to convert text to first letter uppercase text.

if your text is in column a, insert a column to the right and in B1 enter
the formula
=PROPER(A1). Enter the formula and copy it down the column to convert all
of your uppercase text values in column A.

Copy all the data in column B, select cell A1 and click EDIT in the menu,
click PASTE SPECIAL and click the VALUES option button. Delete the formula
column and you're back in business.

The companion case convert functions are UPPER() and LOWER(), should you
have a need to ever do that kind of conversion.
Hi Andy,
If you would prefer to do it all in the same text column(s) you would be
better using a macro, and it would be a lot faster to use
once you've set up some macros. Then you can select the entire column
and convert it -- macro should be restricted to the used range and use
of special cells will limit such selections by definition so that the user
doesn't have to be concerned with limiting range of selection.
Proper, and other Text changes -- Use of SpecialCells

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