Michael Styles
How do I turn on UPnP in Vista? What are the advantages and disadvantages
of doing this?
of doing this?
How do I turn on UPnP in Vista? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of doing this?
While it may increase security at the router it may decrease security
overall. Malware could take control of the router and open ports to allow
any type of access it wants. There are always trade offs.
Kerry Brown said:UPnP in a router allows Windows to open and close ports on the router as
needed. Some programs like MSN Messenger take advantage of this for some
features. The ports remain closed on the router until Messenger needs
them. The security advantage is your ports are closed until needed. The
disadvantage is if malware does get into your computer it could open up
ports on your router to allow traffic for whatever it wants to do.