Uploading to FTP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony
  • Start date Start date



I was trying to send some wedding photos to a relative but his mail box was
too small. He suggested sending them to his FTP site. With Win XP and
IE6.? I can't seem to access the site. If I use Mozilla Firefox I can
access it but it won't accept the correct password. Is there an issue with
Win XP and uploading to an FTP site? Thanks.

Ted said:
Internet Explorer does not upload to FTP. Plenty of third
party software does this.

Top posted because that's the order it's already in. I'm lazy,
YOU fix it if it bothers you.

Ted, this isn't aimed specifically at you, but you are included
since it's your post I'm choosing to use as an example of the
ineffective things happening in this group lately. This is aimed
at several people who are all doing the same thing, MVP and
non-MVP alike!

GADS, I wish you guys would learn what your'e talking about!

First of all, your resonse is just plain wrong as I'm sure the
OP knows by now since he has a friend that sounds, from the post,
like he knows what's up. You sure don't! And worse, you
obviously didn't bother to check. Because YOU haven't done it,
you assume it can't be done, end of discussion.

Second, the egotistical lunacy of some of the so called advice
on this board lately is tantamount to intentional gross
negligence! Or, a superiority complex which is out of control,
which is more likely, and sheer laziness to boot.

Word XP and IE BOTH have ftp capabilities, which, from the sound
of it, the OP was being asked to use, based on actually reading
his post, which it sounds like you didn't.

WORD XP (2002) has this to say in Help, Index, "ftp":

Add or remove an FTP site from the list of Internet sites
Do one of the following:
Add an FTP site to the list of Internet sites
To do this procedure, your company must have an intranet
(intranet: A network within an organization that uses Internet
technologies (such as the HTTP or FTP protocol). By using
hyperlinks, you can explore objects, documents, pages, and other
destinations on the intranet.),**** OR **** you must have access
to the Internet (Internet: A worldwide network of thousands of
smaller computer networks and millions of commercial,
educational, government, and personal computers. The Internet is
like an electronic city with virtual libraries, stores, art
galleries, and so on.).
On the Standard toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options
that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, use the
Customize dialog box (point to Toolbars on the View menu and
click Customize). To see more buttons, click Toolbar Options at
the end of the toolbar.), click Open .

In the Look in box, click Add/Modify FTP Locations.

In the Name of FTP site box, type the FTP (FTP: A communication
protocol that makes it possible for a user to transfer files
between remote locations on a network. This protocol also allows
users to use FTP commands, such as listing files and folders, to
work with files on a remote location.) site name (for example,
type ftp.samples.microsoft.com).

Do one of the following:
To log on to an FTP site that allows anonymous log on, click

To log on to an FTP site that you have user privileges for, click
User, and then type your password.

Click Add.
Remove an FTP site
On the Standard toolbar (toolbar: A bar with buttons and options
that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, use the
Customize dialog box (point to Toolbars on the View menu and
click Customize). To see more buttons, click Toolbar Options at
the end of the toolbar.), click Open .
In the Look in box, click FTP Locations.
Right-click the site you want to remove, and then click Remove on
the shortcut menu (shortcut menu: A menu that shows a list of
commands relevant to a particular item. To display a shortcut
menu, right-click an item or press SHIFT+F10.).
When prompted whether you want to remove the site, click Yes.


And INTERNET EXPLORER Help has this to say:

To access FTP sites directly

In the Address bar, type the Internet address (URL) for the FTP
site you want to connect to. For example:

Do one or more of the following:

To download a file or folder, right-click the item on the page,
and then click Copy to Folder.

To log on as a different user to this FTP site, on the File menu,
click Login As.

To rename or delete items in an FTP folder, or paste items into
an FTP site (upload), you can use the same commands and actions
you use with Windows Explorer or My Computer.

On some FTP sites, you can only view or download files. Only the
people who run or own the site can rename, delete, or upload
On many FTP sites, you are automatically logged on anonymously,
so you can view or download files. To upload, rename, or delete
files, you may need to log on using a special user name and
password. Also, different areas of the same site may require
different logons.
You cannot move files within or between FTP sites. You can move
files from an FTP site to a temporary location on your computer
or a network drive, and then upload them to another FTP site or
different folder on the same site.
Some programs may support opening and saving files from FTP
servers by typing an FTP address in the File Open or File Save
dialog box.

I don't know whether people are just too dumb, lazy, or a
combination thereof, but it's stupid, ignorant, even begrudging
to make statements such as were made here, especially when the OP
did a decent, not great, job of phrasing his question and
including the information necessary to make a pretty good guess
at what he was trying to do.

Now, even if you didn't bother to allude to any of the above,
it's of little use to say "Plenty of third
party software does this."
and bail out. How about a reference, or at least a name of a
couple of apps the OP could look up? It wouldn't have broken
your fingers to mention ws_ftp, or filezilla, or a few of the
many other ones available, and maybe even a URL or two. For that
two names mentioned, that'd take what, about ten seconds?

So, IMO, the imbecilic, egotistical, narcissic and lazy attitudes
here plainly show that several people are out to provide
give-a-shit advice to those who don't know what you -think- you
know. That makes about every one of you who do so a bass turd of
monumental proportions, IMO.
This IS a good group, but the likes of those who are doing
these disservices need to learn to shut up when they don't know
what they're talking about, stop making best guesses, or at least
say so when they do that, and and clarify/verify your own

I've sourced invaluable assistance from the pariticipants on this
and other MS ng's, and IMO it's almost criminal what such as I
refer to here continue to spew their half baked crap. It's
things like that which cause people who know better to sit back
and raise their eyebrows, and go elsewhere, and IMO that's
shameful to do anything to allow that to happen, especially when
it's apparently intentionally posted badly for some purpose known
only the bass turd spewing on his keyboard.

Sorry: I don't "plonk", I hate misinformation, and rather than
ignore same, I'll usually make a loud noise and then simply
ignore the source of the smells until the feces gets cleaned up.

To the OP: If you're still having problems, come on back and I'm
sure someone here can give you the assistance you need. Further
details will be needed, but be careful to not provide any
personally identifying information.

Regards to all good posters,

: Internet Explorer does not upload to FTP. Plenty of third party
: does this.
: --
: Ted Zieglar
: "Backup is a computer user's best friend."
: : > Hi:
: >
: > I was trying to send some wedding photos to a relative but his
mail box
: was
: > too small. He suggested sending them to his FTP site. With Win
XP and
: > IE6.? I can't seem to access the site. If I use Mozilla
Firefox I can
: > access it but it won't accept the correct password. Is there
an issue
: with
: > Win XP and uploading to an FTP site? Thanks.
: >
: > Tony
: >
: >

Sure it does - instead of http://somesite.somedomain.com, put in
ftp://somesite.somedomain.com - works just fine - that's how I
transfer the website files I develop on my Workstation to my ISP
hosting site and vice/versa, instead of using a Web Publishing


Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your service!

Google is your friend!

Use IE to FTP everyday it works fine.

Also for large files, all IM's work fine, use them everyday.
How large of a file will Gmail accept?
Hey guys I tried all that but kept getting error messages. So I downloaded
CuteFTP7 and it worked fine.

By the way, I did go to the WinXP and also IE help files first but after a
few hours of not having any luck I posted here where I have always received
some pretty good advice.

Hey guys I tried all that but kept getting error messages. So I downloaded
CuteFTP7 and it worked fine.

By the way, I did go to the WinXP and also IE help files first but after a
few hours of not having any luck I posted here where I have always received
some pretty good advice.


Go to Start/My network places. On the left you can add a network place
(eg. an FTP site). It then opens as a normal window where you can copy,
edit, rename, or anything else you can do with a normal window. I
constantly use it to update my web site.

I see no advantage of using any separate programs such as CuteFTP. It
does nothing that I can't do directly with XP.

Right now in my Network Places there is a folder for my ISP which is
www.dcsi.net. When I open the folder all of the items at the remote site
are there.

Dennis M. Marks

Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I do not guarantee it. Be sure to
back up any files involved and use at your own risk. Batteries not
included. Not for internal use. Don't run with knives.
Dennis said:
Hey guys I tried all that but kept getting error
messages. So I downloaded CuteFTP7 and it worked fine.

By the way, I did go to the WinXP and also IE help files
first but after a few hours of not having any luck I
posted here where I have always received some pretty good
advice. Tony

"Admiral Q" <Star_Fleet_Admiral_Q[Continuum]@hotmail.com>
wrote in message
Internet Explorer does not upload to FTP. Plenty of
third party software does this.

Ted Zieglar
"Backup is a computer user's best friend."


I was trying to send some wedding photos to a
relative but his mail box was too small. He
suggested sending them to his FTP site. With Win
XP and
IE6.? I can't seem to access the site. If I use
Firefox I can
access it but it won't accept the correct password.
Is there an issue with Win XP and uploading to an
FTP site? Thanks. Tony

Sure it does - instead of
http://somesite.somedomain.com, put in
ftp://somesite.somedomain.com - works just fine -
that's how I transfer the website files I develop on my
Workstation to my ISP hosting site and vice/versa,
instead of using a Web Publishing software. --

Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your service!

Google is your friend!

Go to Start/My network places. On the left you can add a
network place (eg. an FTP site). It then opens as a normal
window where you can copy, edit, rename, or anything else
you can do with a normal window. I constantly use it to
update my web site.
I see no advantage of using any separate programs such as
CuteFTP. It does nothing that I can't do directly with XP.

Right now in my Network Places there is a folder for my ISP
which is www.dcsi.net. When I open the folder all of the
items at the remote site are there.

Yes, but there is also nothing wrong with useing an ftp program,
and I suspect it's easier for him that way.

Yes, well when I try the way you suggested I still get the same error
message saying windows can't access the site. These are the same error
messages I got when I went through the Help Files. I'll have to keep
playing with it to see if I can get it to work.


Hey Guys, never mind I solved the problem. I right clicked on the address
after setting it up in my Network Places and it asked for the log in info,
when I supplied that it came up fine.

Thanks, you have all been a big help.


POP said:
Dennis said:
Hey guys I tried all that but kept getting error
messages. So I downloaded CuteFTP7 and it worked fine.

By the way, I did go to the WinXP and also IE help files
first but after a few hours of not having any luck I
posted here where I have always received some pretty good
advice. Tony

"Admiral Q" <Star_Fleet_Admiral_Q[Continuum]@hotmail.com>
wrote in message
Internet Explorer does not upload to FTP. Plenty of
third party software does this.

Ted Zieglar
"Backup is a computer user's best friend."


I was trying to send some wedding photos to a
relative but his mail box was too small. He
suggested sending them to his FTP site. With Win
XP and
IE6.? I can't seem to access the site. If I use
Firefox I can
access it but it won't accept the correct password.
Is there an issue with Win XP and uploading to an
FTP site? Thanks. Tony

Sure it does - instead of
http://somesite.somedomain.com, put in
ftp://somesite.somedomain.com - works just fine -
that's how I transfer the website files I develop on my
Workstation to my ISP hosting site and vice/versa,
instead of using a Web Publishing software. --

Star Fleet Admiral Q @ your service!

Google is your friend!

Go to Start/My network places. On the left you can add a
network place (eg. an FTP site). It then opens as a normal
window where you can copy, edit, rename, or anything else
you can do with a normal window. I constantly use it to
update my web site.
I see no advantage of using any separate programs such as
CuteFTP. It does nothing that I can't do directly with XP.

Right now in my Network Places there is a folder for my ISP
which is www.dcsi.net. When I open the folder all of the
items at the remote site are there.

Yes, but there is also nothing wrong with useing an ftp program, and I
suspect it's easier for him that way.
