john cook said:
trying to build web site for church. I can get individual tracks form a cd
from media center onto web, but can not entire CD on web without listing
EACH track? Thanks for the help!
I assume you want the collection of songs from the CD for downloading (and I
assume these are your own recordings...? Otherwise distributing these from
CD would be illegal (you're probably better off selling legitimate copies of
the CD).
Even if they are stuff you've recorded in church, the songs are still
copyrighted by original artists and (depending on your country's copyright
laws), there are issues about the distribution, copying, recording,
broadcasting or playing of such material.
If they are your own songs, originally written by someone in your church,
that's a different matter.
However, back to the question: the only thing I can think of is to
compress/zip all the files from the CD into a zip folder and upload that -
which will contain all the tracks from the CD.....
You might need to use a couple of other compression tools as well to create
different compressed file formats since I don't think "WinZip" works on Macs
or Linux.