Uploading Form Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter threademporium
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FP 2003 / win xp /
URL of form is : http://www.icingpictures.co.uk/online_order_form.htm

Just set up a form and am trying to get it to work - got the following error
Form Validation Error

Please correct the information you provided by following these steps, then
submit the information again:

* A FrontPage File Upload component is incorrectly configured. Please
set the MIME encoding type for the form to be multipart/form-data.

Return to the form.

I do not usually have problem spublishing - server does have frontpagr
extensions - i have tried to look in the HTML code for the mime heading in
order to make the change but cannot find it - could you send me in the right
directionin order to try and fix this?
Thank you for taking a look at my question.
In FrontPage code view, the form should be similar to:

<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">

The FileUpload webbot should also include the folder (S-Destination) the upload is to be saved to:

<!--webbot bot="FileUpload" U-File="_private/form_results.csv" S-Format="TEXT/CSV" S-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Destination="myfolder/" -->
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium has brought this to us :
Just set up a form and am trying to get it to
work - got the following error message...
Form Validation Error
Please correct the information you provided by
following these steps, then submit the
information again:
* A FrontPage File Upload component is
incorrectly configured. Please set the MIME
encoding type for the form to be
Found the HTML code it is as follows
<form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"
onsubmit="location.href='_derived/nortbots.htm';return false;"
language="JavaScript" name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-onSubmit="return

Am I replace this code with the code you gave me in the first part of your

Thank you for help

to the <form tag you have, but also make sure that the webbot comment following the <form> tag starts <!--webbot bot="FileUpload"
If it doesn't, then remove the existing file-upload form field, and reinsert it
Insert->Form->File Upload

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium expressed precisely :
Found the HTML code it is as follows
<form method="POST"
false;" language="JavaScript"
name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-onSubmit="return
And make sure the folder set to upload attachments to has the correct FP permissions
See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;288328


to the <form tag you have, but also make sure that the webbot comment following the <form> tag starts <!--webbot bot="FileUpload"
If it doesn't, then remove the existing file-upload form field, and reinsert it
Insert->Form->File Upload

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium expressed precisely :
Found the HTML code it is as follows
<form method="POST"
false;" language="JavaScript"
name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-onSubmit="return
Thank you for your reply
Can i add enctype="multipart/form-data" anywhere in the form tag - I
do not have any HTML skills and lack confidence- sorry to be a pain

Thank you so much... will give this a try tomorrow when the children are back
at school and i can concentrate!
Thank you for your reply - I downloaded the white paper and I think it was
this part you where trying to direct me to
Creating a File Upload Folder in your Web
To create a File Upload folder in your Web, follow these steps:
1. Open your Web.
2. In the Folder list pane, right-click the top level folder, point to New,
and then click Folder on the menu that appears. Name the folder Files.
3. Right-click the new folder and then click Properties on the menu that
4. In the Properties dialog box, click to clear the Allow scripts to be run
check box.
5. Click to select the Allow anonymous upload to this directory and the
Allow uploaded files to overwrite existing filenames check boxes, and then
click OK.

I followed the instructions in the following way - i opened my disk based
web site in frontpage with the intention of editing it and then uploading it
- I found a folder marked_private and _customer-uploaded_images i tried to
right click them to check the "allow scripts to be run" and "allow anonymous
upload to this directory" but i could not - when i right click properties
these check boxes are greyed out - I am am obviousley doing something wrong -
could you help and point me in the right direction - I should add I also
tried creating a new folder called "files2 as per the instruction in the
white paper but that also had the check boxes grey ed out.
I should add for clarity purposes - I only want to recieve an email from my
form wit hthe relevant information and any uploaded images.

Thank you for taking a look at my question,
This operation MUST be done on the server.
Open the remote site in FrontPage and follow those instructions.

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

It happens that threademporium formulated :
Thank you for your reply - I downloaded the
white paper and I think it was this part you
where trying to direct me to Creating a File
Upload Folder in your Web To create a File
Upload folder in your Web, follow these steps:
1. Open your Web. 2. In the Folder list pane,
right-click the top level folder, point to New,
and then click Folder on the menu that
appears. Name the folder Files. 3. Right-click
the new folder and then click Properties on the
menu that appears. 4. In the Properties
dialog box, click to clear the Allow scripts to
be run check box. 5. Click to select the
Allow anonymous upload to this directory and
the Allow uploaded files to overwrite existing
filenames check boxes, and then click OK.
I followed the instructions in the following
way - i opened my disk based web site in
frontpage with the intention of editing it and
then uploading it - I found a folder
marked_private and _customer-uploaded_images i
tried to right click them to check the "allow
scripts to be run" and "allow anonymous upload
to this directory" but i could not - when i
right click properties these check boxes are
greyed out - I am am obviousley doing something
wrong - could you help and point me in the
right direction - I should add I also tried
creating a new folder called "files2 as per the
instruction in the white paper but that also
had the check boxes grey ed out. I should add
for clarity purposes - I only want to recieve
an email from my form wit hthe relevant
information and any uploaded images.
Thank you for taking a look at my question,
And make sure the folder set to upload
attachments to has the correct FP permissions


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
FrontPage ] "Warning - Using the F1 Key will
not break anything!" (-; To find the best
Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

Add enctype="multipart/form-data"
to the <form tag you have, but also make sure
that the webbot comment following the <form>
tag starts <!--webbot bot="FileUpload" If it
doesn't, then remove the existing file-upload
form field, and reinsert it Insert->Form->File

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium expressed precisely :
Found the HTML code it is as follows
<form method="POST"
false;" language="JavaScript"
Am I replace this code with the code you gave
me in the first part of your answer>
Thank you for help

"Ronx" wrote:
In FrontPage code view, the form should be
similar to:

<form method="POST"

The FileUpload webbot should also include
the folder (S-Destination) the upload is to
be saved to:

<!--webbot bot="FileUpload"
S-Format="TEXT/CSV" S-Label-Fields="TRUE"
S-Destination="myfolder/" --> -- Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium has brought this to us :
FP 2003 / win xp /
URL of form is :
Just set up a form and am trying to get it
to work - got the following error
message... Form Validation Error

Please correct the information you provided
by following these steps, then submit the
information again:

* A FrontPage File Upload component is
incorrectly configured. Please set the
MIME encoding type for the form to be

Return to the form.

I do not usually have problem spublishing -
server does have frontpagr extensions - i
have tried to look in the HTML code for
the mime heading in order to make the
change but cannot find it - could you send
me in the right directionin order to try
and fix this? Thank you for taking a look
at my question. Joyce


OK - I have added the HTMl and check the webbot comment - Old error message
has gone to be replaced with a new one which is as follows

Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this page:

I have selected the folder on the webiste for the form information to go to
as _private - I also notice a new folder has appeared in my folder called "
_customer_uploaded_images - I have double checked with my server provider and
they do have FP extensions

Thank you for taking a look at my question
Supplementery to last message - I have checked in my _private folder that I
have the follwing file form_results.csv but I dot have form_results.txt
My webbot code looks alot different to the lines you have suggested - to
start with i have about 4 times as much!
<!--webbot bot="FileUpload" startspan S-Builtin-Fields
S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)"
B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" B-Email-Subject-From-Field="FALSE"
S-Email-Subject="Online Order Form - Icing Pictures" S-Destination S-Category
S-Assignedto S-ReviewStatus B-Process-MetaInfo="FALSE" --><!--webbot
bot="FileUpload" endspan -->

also i cannot find a folder called"my folder" in my website folder list -
noticed this reference in the webbot code you have put forward.

Thanks for helping me with this

"myfolder" is an example - this should be replaced with the folder you have designated for the uploaded files.

Since S-Display is empty I suggest you remove the upload form fields and replace them. This should prompt for a folder to upload the files to, and set a value for S-Destination in the webbot.

The other parts of the webbot that I have not mentioned are mainly to deal with the emailing of the form data. The image uploaded file will NOT be emailed with the data

I have never used the FrontPage upload feature, prefering asp.NET components, and no longer have a server with FrontPage extensions (hosts are dropping the extensions since they are not supported.)

If the form still has problems, then there are some other _possible_ problems:

1) Multiple upload fields - Try the form with just one field to see if that is the problem.
2) Email - try removing the email from the form. If you do this, you will have to specify a file for the form results to gom to - the default is _private/form_results.csv or _private/form_results.txt depending on the format chosen for the results.

Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

It happens that threademporium formulated :
My webbot code looks alot different to the
lines you have suggested - to start with i
have about 4 times as much! <!--webbot
bot="FileUpload" startspan S-Builtin-Fields
S-Email-Address="(e-mail address removed)"
S-Email-Subject="Online Order Form - Icing
Pictures" S-Destination S-Category
S-Assignedto S-ReviewStatus
B-Process-MetaInfo="FALSE" --><!--webbot
bot="FileUpload" endspan -->
I tried a new simple one element upload form - it did prompt for the _private
folder - form_text.csv file - however my website asked moe for a user name
and password in order to submit the form - my customers cannot know this
information - so how can i authorise my site to accept information from

I tried a new simple one element upload form - it did prompt for the _private
folder - form_text.csv file - however my website asked moe for a user name
and password in order to submit the form - my customers cannot know this
information - so how can i authorise my site to accept information from

The _private folder should allow the results file to be updated by the extensions without prompting for a username/password. However, the destination folder for file uploads is another matter.
The upload destination folder can be set to allow anonymous uploads by the following procedure:

Open the website in FrontPage - this is the site on the server, not on your PC.
Right click the upload destination folder and choose Properties
Clear the checkbox "Allow scripts to be run"
Tick the checkbox "Allow anonymous uploads to this directory"
Optionally, tick the chaeckbox "Allow uploaded files to overwrite existing filenames"
Click OK
If the last two check boxes above are unavailable after clearing the first your host either does not allow anonymous uploads, or will have to set the permissions theirselves.

My testing indicates that, on a Windows server, email and file uploads can be used together without any problems.
Multiple upload fields also can be used. The file data is stored in the text file used for the form in the _private folder, and included in theemail - though the images themselves are only stored on the server.

Whether the file upload component works on a Unix (or Linux) server I do not know - server extensions for Unix were discontinued 5 years ago, though some hosts still support them.
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

threademporium used his keyboard to write :