Uploading a spread sheet into MS ACess data base



I have a requirement to transfer data using a spreadsheet into MS Access
database. This also needs to throw a message saying" X no of records
successfully inserted" in case of successful load, like wise it should pop up
message saying
"X no of records not inserted" in case of failure. Can any one help me with
this please??

Thaks in advance.



The TransferSpreadsheet method does not provide that kind of functionality.
To do what you are asking requires using Automation; but even then,
determining the number of records not imported may not be reliable. That is
because if you are having trouble communicating with the spreadsheet file,
you probably will not be able to determine the number of rows in the

Automation requires good VBA skills and some understanding of the Excel
object model. If this is something you feel up to trying, post back and I
can provide some samples that will get you started.

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