I was wondering if anyone here could asssit me on this? I have a program
that allows the user to download about 8 different tables then upload them on
laptop or tabletPC. Also, the reverse is true as well. Each tabletPC or
laptop downloads their files and uploads them to the main PC. The laptops
and tabletPCs are not on any network and are used to evaluate training. The
problem that I see will happen is that these tables have a relationship. So
when one laptop does their evaluation, it will assign an autonumber to some
of the tables. When another laptop performs their evaluation the same will
happen. Now when I upload to the main PC I wanted to append the tables from
the laptops to the main PC. Since each laptop could assign the same
autonumber this is going to generate a relationship problem. Has anyone done
something like this or has anyone got a solution on how to approach this?
I was thinking of creating temp tables on the main PC. Then upload the
tables to them temp. Then the tables that provides the foreign key but does
not contain a foreign key, append there tables without the autonumber. Now
the problem comes when appending the related table with the proper foerign
key. Somehow append the related table with the temp table but use the
related tables autonumber PK. I hope this make sense. Also, what if I need
to just update the table instead of append. Maybe the user made some changes
to the students name on the laptop. Now that record needs to be updated on
the main PC versus being appended.
I know how to download and upload, the problem is the sequence about the
above statement.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
that allows the user to download about 8 different tables then upload them on
laptop or tabletPC. Also, the reverse is true as well. Each tabletPC or
laptop downloads their files and uploads them to the main PC. The laptops
and tabletPCs are not on any network and are used to evaluate training. The
problem that I see will happen is that these tables have a relationship. So
when one laptop does their evaluation, it will assign an autonumber to some
of the tables. When another laptop performs their evaluation the same will
happen. Now when I upload to the main PC I wanted to append the tables from
the laptops to the main PC. Since each laptop could assign the same
autonumber this is going to generate a relationship problem. Has anyone done
something like this or has anyone got a solution on how to approach this?
I was thinking of creating temp tables on the main PC. Then upload the
tables to them temp. Then the tables that provides the foreign key but does
not contain a foreign key, append there tables without the autonumber. Now
the problem comes when appending the related table with the proper foerign
key. Somehow append the related table with the temp table but use the
related tables autonumber PK. I hope this make sense. Also, what if I need
to just update the table instead of append. Maybe the user made some changes
to the students name on the laptop. Now that record needs to be updated on
the main PC versus being appended.
I know how to download and upload, the problem is the sequence about the
above statement.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.