Upload bandwidth issues with FTP


Rob Phillips

I had recently changed to a new ISP. I stayed on cable,
but the ISP was sold to Comcast. Essentially I am still on
the same network. Prior to the switch of carrier, I had
gotten a new PC and reinstalled everything on it including
the FTP program I use and my uploads were fine. I was
pulling 180+kbs from home to work. However, a few weeks
after the switch of carrier, I noticed the FTP host
program I use, BulletProof FTP, can only upload from my
home PC at a max of 30kbs even. This is global no matter
who tries to download from me. They are locked at 30kbs
max. There is only one place to limit bandwidth in the
application, and I have never once had it checked boxed to
limit anyone. I have un/reinstalled the program itself,
uninstalled and reinstalled the NIC, I have tried a
different FTP client program that allows uploading and was
still capped at 30kbs. If I log onto my buddy's FTP in NY
I can upload to him at 30kbs through either FTP program,
but when I upload to him while connected to him through
Internet Explorer, I can get the speeds I used to have.
(Testing bandwidth through IE shows uploads of 250+ and
downloads of 3Mbs.)I have tried everything offered up to
me through various channels for a fix. I presented the
same issue on the "Working remotely" board and no one
seems to know what's up. The reason I posted it there
first was that this issue also affects my Remote Desktop
connection by lagging it heavily. (Is there some subsystem
these two share?? I don't know the corolation between the
two, if any)Before I started having this issue, my Remote
Desktop was near flawless/ real-time.

I have XP Pro SP1 on an AMD Athlon 64 with a Realtek
RTL8139/810x NIC, a D-Link DCM-200 modem and a D-link DI-
604 router (just got the router last night so it's not the
problem). Also, I have been having a problem with pinging
myself. Hope that's useful information....

If it was only a matter of me uploading to other people,
I'd just drag items into a connected IE window; but as I
have to host too, I need the upload to be working fast
from the application(s) I use to host. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.


Rob said:
I had recently changed to a new ISP. I stayed on cable,
but the ISP was sold to Comcast. Essentially I am still on
the same network. Prior to the switch of carrier, I had
gotten a new PC and reinstalled everything on it including
the FTP program I use and my uploads were fine. I was
pulling 180+kbs from home to work. However, a few weeks
after the switch of carrier, I noticed the FTP host
program I use, BulletProof FTP, can only upload from my
home PC at a max of 30kbs even. This is global no matter
who tries to download from me. They are locked at 30kbs
max. There is only one place to limit bandwidth in the
application, and I have never once had it checked boxed to
limit anyone. I have un/reinstalled the program itself,
uninstalled and reinstalled the NIC, I have tried a
different FTP client program that allows uploading and was
still capped at 30kbs. If I log onto my buddy's FTP in NY
I can upload to him at 30kbs through either FTP program,
but when I upload to him while connected to him through
Internet Explorer, I can get the speeds I used to have.
(Testing bandwidth through IE shows uploads of 250+ and
downloads of 3Mbs.)I have tried everything offered up to
me through various channels for a fix. I presented the
same issue on the "Working remotely" board and no one
seems to know what's up. The reason I posted it there
first was that this issue also affects my Remote Desktop
connection by lagging it heavily. (Is there some subsystem
these two share?? I don't know the corolation between the
two, if any)Before I started having this issue, my Remote
Desktop was near flawless/ real-time.

I have XP Pro SP1 on an AMD Athlon 64 with a Realtek
RTL8139/810x NIC, a D-Link DCM-200 modem and a D-link DI-
604 router (just got the router last night so it's not the
problem). Also, I have been having a problem with pinging
myself. Hope that's useful information....

If it was only a matter of me uploading to other people,
I'd just drag items into a connected IE window; but as I
have to host too, I need the upload to be working fast
from the application(s) I use to host. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Comcast limits upstream to ... 256Kbits/sec. Multiply by 1byte/8bits
gives 30KBytes/sec. It's all the upload you can achieve on Comcast's

Cable broadband is not full duplex, i.e., it cannot transmit and receive
at the same time. Your 3Mbits/s max download contends with the max
upload of 256Kbits/s. So if you are doing file sharing you have to
optimize upload vs download to maximize download speed that the concept
of Greed dictates - it is better to receive than to give. In
BitTorrent, for example, I have found that max download is achieved at a
max upload of 20KB/s or 160Kb/s. Any greater upload saturates the line,
reducing download eventually to zero at 256Kb/s upload.

You can get additional download of 384Kb/s at a higher fee.


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