upload activity when my computer is online after 3 minutes


shawn s

when i connect to the internet and let my connection sit
at idle after about 3 minutes it will show upload
activity my internet connection.when i try to surf the
web it takes forever to load pages. anyways i started to
shutdown system processes in the task manager and i came
across a system file called DLLHOST.EXE and i shut this
down and the upload indicator stops.then i can surf with
out any slow downs. what is this program and why is it
uploading and to where? i am really concerned what is
being uploaded and where it is going. i have all the
critical updates and it still does this.

Mike P

-----Original Message-----
when i connect to the internet and let my connection sit
at idle after about 3 minutes it will show upload
activity my internet connection.when i try to surf the
web it takes forever to load pages. anyways i started to
shutdown system processes in the task manager and i came
across a system file called DLLHOST.EXE and i shut this
down and the upload indicator stops.then i can surf with
out any slow downs. what is this program and why is it
uploading and to where? i am really concerned what is
being uploaded and where it is going. i have all the
critical updates and it still does this.
Try scanning with adaware and or spybot to see if
spyware is using this service, both can be found at
Some ISPs like earthlink will upload your surfing habits
they claim it is to customize your start page?????

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