Upgrading to XP - can I download to more than 1 computer?

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Hi - I am new to upgrading computers - so I hope you will all bare with me. I
bought a new copy of XP upgrade hoping to install it on my home computer & my
laptop so I could network them on a wireless connection.

I installed it on my home computer & it is saying I need to activate it? Can
I not download this OS on both of my computers? What do I need to do? Do I
have to buy 2 of these programs? Ugh - I hope not! Please let me know any &
all advice. It says I have 26 days to activate & I need to figure out what to
do! Thanks so much & in advance!

In dance4ever27 had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Hi - I am new to upgrading computers - so I hope you will all bare
with me. I bought a new copy of XP upgrade hoping to install it on my
home computer & my laptop so I could network them on a wireless

I installed it on my home computer & it is saying I need to activate
it? Can I not download this OS on both of my computers? What do I
need to do? Do I have to buy 2 of these programs? Ugh - I hope not!
Please let me know any & all advice. It says I have 26 days to
activate & I need to figure out what to do! Thanks so much & in


One license for one PC.

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)
http://dts-l.org/ http://kgiii.info/

"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and
its solution is its own reward." - Sherlock Holmes
Is there a way to purchase another license without having to buy a whole
other program? Thanks
dance4ever27 said:
Is there a way to purchase another license without having to buy a whole
other program? Thanks

the licence /IS/ the program. Your best bet is a discount store.....
dance4ever27 said:
Hi - I am new to upgrading computers - so I hope you will all bare
with me.

Sorry, but my wife permits me to bare only with her. ;-)

I bought a new copy of XP upgrade hoping to install it on my
home computer & my laptop so I could network them on a wireless

I installed it on my home computer & it is saying I need to activate
it? Can I not download this OS

You can't "download" it at all. I assume you mean "install," not "download."

on both of my computers?

No, you can't. The rule is quite clear. It's one copy (or one license) for
each computer.

There's nothing new here. This is exactly the same rule that's been in
effect on every version of Windows starting with Windows 3.1. The only thing
new with XP is that there's now an enforcement mechanism.

If yours is a retail version, not an OEM one, you can buy extra licenses
(see http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/howtobuy/addlic.asp). But it's
not generally a good deal. The problem is that Microsoft sells additional
licenses at only a small savings over the list price. You're almost
certainly better off just buying a complete second copy from a discount

What do I
need to do? Do I have to buy 2 of these programs? Ugh - I hope not!

Sorry, but the answer is yes, as it always has been. As I said, this is
*not* a new requirement.

Please let me know any & all advice. It says I have 26 days to
activate & I need to figure out what to do! Thanks so much & in

You need to activate it on the computer you installed it on, and you need to
buy another copy for the other computer and do the same thing there.
dance4ever27 said:
Hi - I am new to upgrading computers - so I hope you will all bare with me. I
bought a new copy of XP upgrade hoping to install it on my home computer & my
laptop so I could network them on a wireless connection.

I installed it on my home computer & it is saying I need to activate it? Can
I not download this OS on both of my computers? What do I need to do? Do I
have to buy 2 of these programs? Ugh - I hope not! Please let me know any &
all advice. It says I have 26 days to activate & I need to figure out what to
do! Thanks so much & in advance!


You need to purchase a separate WinXP license for each computer on
which you install it. (As long as you have multiple identical licenses,
it doesn't matter if you use the same CD for the installations, as long
as you use a different license each time.)

Just as it has *always* been with *all* Microsoft operating
systems, it's necessary (to be in compliance with both the EULA and U.S.
copyright law http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/117.html), if not
technically) to purchase one WinXP license for each computer on which it
is installed. (Consult an attorney versed in copyright law to determine
final applicability in your locale.) The only way in which WinXP
licensing differs from that of earlier versions of Windows is that
Microsoft has finally added a copy protection and anti-theft mechanism,
Product Activation, to prevent (or at least make more difficult)
multiple installations using a single license.

One can buy additional licenses, assuming one already has a retail
license. Naturally, Microsoft cannot sell additional OEM licenses. Be
aware, however, that you'll probably pay more this way than you would if
you were to buy a second copy of WinXP from a discount retailer;
Microsoft will only offer you a 15% discount off their MSRP.

Additional Licenses for Windows XP Home Edition

Additional Licenses for Windows XP Professional


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell
dance4ever27 said:
Hi - I am new to upgrading computers - so I hope you will all bare with me. I
bought a new copy of XP upgrade hoping to install it on my home computer & my
laptop so I could network them on a wireless connection.
With laptops it's often better to get the XP upgrade
from the laptop manufacturer, as they usually include
necessary upgrades to device drivers.

Dave Hart
Here's a better link


Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]

Harry Ohrn MS MVP said:
Yes you can purchase additional Licenses however the saving is so minimal
that you might as well just get another boxed version. check here


Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]

dance4ever27 said:
Is there a way to purchase another license without having to buy a whole
other program? Thanks