Hi all
I have just made my first digital camcorder movie on my DELL Dimension
L566cx Celeron PC using Pinnacle Studio 9 and have come to the
conclusion that the graphics card could really do with an upgrade.
My PC specs currently are as follows:
O/S: Windows 2000
System Model L566cx
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~564 Mhz
Total Physical Memory 391,472 KB
Available Physical Memory 107,644 KB
Total Virtual Memory 1,333,112 KB
Available Virtual Memory 797,624 KB
Page File Space 941,640 KB
I currently have an Intel 82810E Graphics card installed.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a card that will fulfill my
requirements and work with the PC processor etc. that I currently
I'm looking to spend around £100 if possible.
Cheers in advance
I have just made my first digital camcorder movie on my DELL Dimension
L566cx Celeron PC using Pinnacle Studio 9 and have come to the
conclusion that the graphics card could really do with an upgrade.
My PC specs currently are as follows:
O/S: Windows 2000
System Model L566cx
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~564 Mhz
Total Physical Memory 391,472 KB
Available Physical Memory 107,644 KB
Total Virtual Memory 1,333,112 KB
Available Virtual Memory 797,624 KB
Page File Space 941,640 KB
I currently have an Intel 82810E Graphics card installed.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a card that will fulfill my
requirements and work with the PC processor etc. that I currently
I'm looking to spend around £100 if possible.
Cheers in advance
