Upgrading from P-III Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian K
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Brian K

I am upgrading from a P-III based system. I recently had to replace a
HDD that died with a Western Digital 80g, IDE that I am running right
now off an ATA 115 card.

I've noticed a number of Mobos and Upgrade kits that have features I
want are SATA based. The thing is that my budget is somewhat limited.
If I go with one of these boards, I'll have to go with a SATA based HDD.

What I am wondering, moving from a P-III 450 system...will I get enough
bang for my buck with an upgrade that is IDE based? Will there be much
of a bottleneck, if I opt for a P4 SATA board and use an IDE/SATA card
to run the HDD I currently have?

To email me, Edit "blog" from my email address.
Brian M. Kochera
"Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!"
View My Web Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~brian1951
Brian Kwrote
I am upgrading from a P-III based system. I recently had to replac
HDD that died with a Western Digital 80g, IDE that I am runnin right
now off an ATA 115 card

I've noticed a number of Mobos and Upgrade kits that have features
want are SATA based. The thing is that my budget is somewha limited.
If I go with one of these boards, I'll have to go with a SATA base HDD

What I am wondering, moving from a P-III 450 system...will I ge enough
bang for my buck with an upgrade that is IDE based? Will there b much
of a bottleneck, if I opt for a P4 SATA board and use an IDE/SAT card
to run the HDD I currently have

To email me, Edit "blog" from my email address
Brian M. Kochera
"Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!
View My Web Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~brian195

Many people misunderstand the speed difference between SATA and IDE

Yes, SATA is faster, but for the common user, it's not noticeable.
Unless you do massive queries of small data records, (like medica
records) your hard drive is generally at idle. The simple write an
reads that you do do, will hash out to be the same. If not

SATA may improve boot speeds a bit. It may also improve gam
performance a hair, as chapters of games may load a bit faster. But
that's it. It's no biggie

No matter the form factor, hard drives are still slower then RAM by
factor of 1,000. This is the difference between milli, and nan
seconds. There is no magnitude of increased performance because o
SATA. Get plenty of RAM

Your Western Digital won't be obsolete anytime soon. You will happil
use it until it's lifetime is over. No matter what platform you pu
it on

A word about SATA 2. If you have the drives and platform that suppor
it, SATA 2 should be disabled. SATA2 is a server platform that work
well only in that environment. For th
normal person, the overhead for SATA 2 will cost more then it'
worth. Your performance will suffer

If you're moving from a 450 platform to say, even a moddest XP-3200
even NOT being an Athlon 64, the wow factor is quite overwhelming an
you'll wonder why it took you so long. Trust me on that one

I mention Athlon, because it's time for you to dump Intel. Very fe
guru's I know use them. In fact, they haven't used them for quit
some time and the whole world is beginning to catch up

Never buy obsolete technology. No matter who makes it

Best of luck to y
I have the exact same hd, 2 of them. My old system was a p2b-ds, dual 800
mhz, 1 gig of ram. My new system, is an a8v, amd 3200, using the same hd's.

On the old system, when I ran spinrite, one hd took 12 hours. On the new
system, one hd takes 3 hours, to give you an idea of the speed improvement.

Maybe sata would be faster but I have no experience with them. I cheaped
out on everything because I think so much will change this year with mb's,
cpu's, etc.

dannysdailys said:
I mention Athlon, because it's time for you to dump Intel. Very few
guru's I know use them. In fact, they haven't used them for quite
some time and the whole world is beginning to catch up.

What utter nonsense.
Most of the new MOBOs that have SATA connectors also still have the two
IDE connectors. Keep your drive and plug into an IDE. Just one example
is the ASUS socket 939 boards like the A8N SLI premium. It has Sata
and IDE. BTW there is no hard drvie that will use all the bandwith
available to the SATA interface. SATA is great potential for the
future but for right now your IDE is fine. When you start adding
drives then slowly change to SATA as the old drives need replacement.
Yes, you will get enough bang for your buck using an IDE drive. And no,
there will only be some bottle-necking due to your older spec harddrive.
Brian K said:
I am upgrading from a P-III based system. I recently had to replace a HDD that
died with a Western Digital 80g, IDE that I am running right now off an ATA 115

I've noticed a number of Mobos and Upgrade kits that have features I want are
SATA based. The thing is that my budget is somewhat limited. If I go with
one of these boards, I'll have to go with a SATA based HDD.

What I am wondering, moving from a P-III 450 system...will I get enough bang
for my buck with an upgrade that is IDE based? Will there be much of a
bottleneck, if I opt for a P4 SATA board and use an IDE/SATA card to run the
HDD I currently have?

Virtually all those MoBos have IDE (PATA) capability as well as SATA. Think of
SATA as an additional capability instead of a replacement.

For installed HD performance, it is more a question of the generation of the HDD
than whether it is IDE or SATA. With the exception of the WD Raptor 10K RPM
SATA HDs, virtually all SATA HDs are IDE drives with revised electronics for the
SATA connection. The physical HD (platter, heads) is the same as the IDE
counterpart. In any single-disk system, the physical limits of the HD will be
the choke point rather than the bus type (SATA or IDE). Even with the Raptors,
it takes a RAID array to even approach the bus limits.

Newer HDs do have higher data densities and larger cache buffers (up to 16 MB
with the Seagate Barracuda 7200.9), so a new-generation HD of any type will
likely be faster than an older-generation HD. So, if your current IDE HD is
reasonably new, it will perform satisfactorily.

HOWEVER, do NOT use a 32-bit PCI card for your main HD, since you will be
relegated to the bandwidth limits of the PCI bus (133 MBps max TOTAL on the
bus). Use the MoBo connections, whether IDE or SATA.
dannysdailys said:
I mention Athlon, because it's time for you to dump Intel. Very few
guru's I know use them. In fact, they haven't used them for quite
some time and the whole world is beginning to catch up.
What utter nonsense.[/quote:3bed8d35ba]

Utter nonsense? Indeed. AMD had no part in why Intel just missed
it's numbers? AMD is the defacto tech leader today and no one in the
industry asks Intel about anything leading edge today? AMD had
nothing to do with this fact? Have you seen the new dual core
processor from Intel??

Yes, it is utter nonsense and you're the one speaking it. Perhaps you
should start reading a little more, and talking a little less.

If you want to continue to live in Intel la la land, that's fine too.
But, remember how bad this makes you look.
What utter nonsense.

LOL. The last good processor Intel made was the PIII.

The P4 was total marketing nonsense fueled by pure greed.

They had to go back to the PIII design to get a working laptop.
dannysdailys said:
I mention Athlon, because it's time for you to dump Intel. Very

guru's I know use them. In fact, they haven't used them for quite
some time and the whole world is beginning to catch up.
What utter nonsense.[/quote:3bed8d35ba]

Utter nonsense? Indeed. AMD had no part in why Intel just missed
it's numbers? AMD is the defacto tech leader today and no one in the
industry asks Intel about anything leading edge today? AMD had
nothing to do with this fact? Have you seen the new dual core
processor from Intel??

Yes, it is utter nonsense and you're the one speaking it. Perhaps you
should start reading a little more, and talking a little less.

If you want to continue to live in Intel la la land, that's fine too.
But, remember how bad this makes you look.
Now boys take the Intel vs AMD thing to another thread. I'm mainly
interested in finding a Mobo, Upgrade Kit or Barebones where I can use
my WD 80g IDE HDD but have some flexibility to grow. I appreciate the
information but as regards Intel vs AMD my choice will partly be
dictated by my budget. Which is no more than $400.00 for the total package.

To email me, Edit "blog" from my email address.
Brian M. Kochera
"Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!"
View My Web Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~brian1951
Brian Kwrote
On 2/6/06 6:31 AM dannysdailys consulted a Magic 8 Ball an

dannysdailys wrote

I mention Athlon, because it's time for you to dump Intel. Ver


guru's I know use them. In fact, they haven't used them for quit
some time and the whole world is beginning to catch up

What utter nonsense

Utter nonsense? Indeed. AMD had no part in why Intel just misse
it's numbers? AMD is the defacto tech leader today and no one in th
industry asks Intel about anything leading edge today? AMD ha
nothing to do with this fact? Have you seen the new dual cor
processor from Intel?

Yes, it is utter nonsense and you're the one speaking it. Perhap
should start reading a little more, and talking a little less

If you want to continue to live in Intel la la land, that's fine too
But, remember how bad this makes you look

Now boys take the Intel vs AMD thing to another thread. I'
interested in finding a Mobo, Upgrade Kit or Barebones where I can us

my WD 80g IDE HDD but have some flexibility to grow. I appreciate th

information but as regards Intel vs AMD my choice will partly be
dictated by my budget. Which is no more than $400.00 for the tota

To email me, Edit "blog" from my email address
Brian M. Kochera
"Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!"
View My Web Page

Unfortunately, you can't take away the Intel/ AMD argument whe
building any new system. Especially if you're on a limited budget

I would check out Tiger Direct for bare bones deals. If you do
you'll find out the best deals are AMD. It's pretty simple, jus