Here's a good question for you.....
I've reviewed your info on the MS Website regarding the
MICROSOFT.NET\Framework issues I have a problem installing my HP OfficeJet
7310 printer regarding this issue. I was on the phone with HP Tech Support
(in New Delhi, India) and after (2) "glorious hours" attempting to install
this printer (Step 3 of 4 at 14% I was only at 67Kbs/sec. download time).
I've attempted installing this HP Printer (3) times....uninstall, reboot,
install .... error.....uninstall, reboot....etc.
JUST when I think I've fixed this issue the HP Tech Support tells me that
the download time is TOO SLOW and to stop the installation. After much
troubleshooting he directed me toward the errors page (in the MS Directory)
and stated it was a NETFX.MSI file so......
I went to MicroSoft Website and downloaded this file and I get this error
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Setup
Error 25013 failed to install assembly
C:/windows/ because
strong name signature couldn't be verified. Was the assembly built
Where does "strong name signature couldn't be verified?" Was the assembly
built delay signed? (I have no idea what this means.
Secondly, I get an Error I get when I tried to install the .Net Framework
2.0 and the reporting details state:
This error report includes information regarding the condition of
SETUP.exe when the problem occured. The operating system version and
computer hardware in use your digital product ID which could be used to
identify your license and the IP address of your computer.
(OK....what does this mean?)
Is this NET FRAMEWORK (2.0) really necessary to HP OfficeJet 7310 (All in
One) printer?
I've gone to my directory:
Under my director I see these folders .......
I see the V2.0.50727 file but because of the error when I've tried to run
the SETUP.exe file for dotnetfx 2.0 (.exe) and I keep getting errors on this.
Your help and assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I should DELETE the v2.0.50727 folder in this directory since it only has
(4) items in it and it didn't complete the install.
I inserted my original WINDOWS XP PRO (CD) and copied the DOTNETFIX on the
desktop but I don't want to run it (yet) because it's only v1.1.4322.573 set
The current verison I have in my folder now is v1.1.4322.
The v1.1.4322.573 set up that I copied from my WINXP Pro CD appears to be
the NEW extension versus the one that's currently in my folder? How could
that be?
I look forward to your diligent assistance in this matter (Soon!).