Upgrades to AdAware and Spybot?

  • Thread starter Thread starter childofthe1980s
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For Vista, are there any new versions out there for AdAware and Spybot?
These are great (and free!) tools that I have always used over the years.
But, since getting a Vista laptop, I had issues with these tools.

For one thing, Spybot keeps popping up messages telling me to review the log
file for this or that. Prior, it would simply run and clean up my laptop.

And, even though AdAware works, it cannot connect to its own server to
download update definitions prior to running.

I would like to know if there are any good and free versions of these tools
out there for Vista. I'd look myself, but I'm afraid to click on links for
tools promising to rid you of malware. Sometimes, those links are "traps" in
that they contain malware and viruses, themselves.

Thanks, in advance!

For Vista, are there any new versions out there for AdAware and

New since when? You don't say what you're using now, so it's not
possible to give you a meaningful answer.

Why don't you check the product's web sites?

Ad-Aware has had a couple of updated version in recent months. Spybot's
executable has not been updated since about a year and a half ago.