Windows 2k pro, SP4, P4 2.6 Ghz, 1 gb ram
Video card: AIW Radeon 7500
DirectX 9.0B
OS fully updated via Microsoft update
Original ATI CD:
100 + DVD
This is a new computer, fresh setup.
Installed all software from ATI CD. Everything seemed to work (but
was getting a rundll32 error on startup relating to, I determined, the
remote wonder driver. I think I tracked down a solution relating to
an x-10 DLL, but that's another issue). Software on ATI cd is version
7.x (don't recall the exact version).
Recently downloaded most recent version of ATI software (drivers, MMC,
etc). The ATI program "checkver.exe" says this:
ATI Control Panel
Radeon Display Driver 7.93-030812a1-010735C-ATI
Multimedia drivers WDM 3.08 RC5
Problem 1:
ATI DVD player (version 8.6) does not function. Upon launch, I get
the DVD display window and the control skin, and then the error:
Fatal error. Failed to load the video decoders.
This message re-appears every time I hit the play button. I can,
however, use the ATI file player to play video files directly from a
DVD disk.
The ATI program pc-check says my CPU doesn't have MMX (and it says
there is a clock problem with my sound card - which is integrated into
my Giga-byte motherboard).
Problem 2:
Have also downloaded the program ATICDwiz-v2-1.exe, the details of
which are:
- Version
- ATICDwiz download utility
- ati dvd decoder download wizard
This program, when executed, asks for the location of a valid ATI cd.
I point the program to my D drive, where the above-described ATI cd is
sitting. The program flashes a progress bar rapidly several times
while telling me to wait while the CD wizard validates the ATI cd. It
then opens a message window telling me "Valid ATI CD not found!".
1) Why does the DVD player break when updating to version 8.6
2) Why does the PC check program fail to detect MMX functionality in
my P4?
3) Does the failure of MMX detection lead to DVD player failure?
4) Why does the ATIcdwiz dvd decoder download wizard fail to recognize
my ATI cd?
5) Are there any known or published limitations or incompatibilities
with ATI MMC software and W2K/pro ?
Thanks for any help / info.
Windows 2k pro, SP4, P4 2.6 Ghz, 1 gb ram
Video card: AIW Radeon 7500
DirectX 9.0B
OS fully updated via Microsoft update
Original ATI CD:
100 + DVD
This is a new computer, fresh setup.
Installed all software from ATI CD. Everything seemed to work (but
was getting a rundll32 error on startup relating to, I determined, the
remote wonder driver. I think I tracked down a solution relating to
an x-10 DLL, but that's another issue). Software on ATI cd is version
7.x (don't recall the exact version).
Recently downloaded most recent version of ATI software (drivers, MMC,
etc). The ATI program "checkver.exe" says this:
ATI Control Panel
Radeon Display Driver 7.93-030812a1-010735C-ATI
Multimedia drivers WDM 3.08 RC5
Problem 1:
ATI DVD player (version 8.6) does not function. Upon launch, I get
the DVD display window and the control skin, and then the error:
Fatal error. Failed to load the video decoders.
This message re-appears every time I hit the play button. I can,
however, use the ATI file player to play video files directly from a
DVD disk.
The ATI program pc-check says my CPU doesn't have MMX (and it says
there is a clock problem with my sound card - which is integrated into
my Giga-byte motherboard).
Problem 2:
Have also downloaded the program ATICDwiz-v2-1.exe, the details of
which are:
- Version
- ATICDwiz download utility
- ati dvd decoder download wizard
This program, when executed, asks for the location of a valid ATI cd.
I point the program to my D drive, where the above-described ATI cd is
sitting. The program flashes a progress bar rapidly several times
while telling me to wait while the CD wizard validates the ATI cd. It
then opens a message window telling me "Valid ATI CD not found!".
1) Why does the DVD player break when updating to version 8.6
2) Why does the PC check program fail to detect MMX functionality in
my P4?
3) Does the failure of MMX detection lead to DVD player failure?
4) Why does the ATIcdwiz dvd decoder download wizard fail to recognize
my ATI cd?
5) Are there any known or published limitations or incompatibilities
with ATI MMC software and W2K/pro ?
Thanks for any help / info.