Upgraded MMC to 8.6 - now DVD player doesn't work (?)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe
  • Start date Start date


Windows 2k pro, SP4, P4 2.6 Ghz, 1 gb ram
Video card: AIW Radeon 7500
DirectX 9.0B
OS fully updated via Microsoft update

Original ATI CD:
100 + DVD

This is a new computer, fresh setup.
Installed all software from ATI CD. Everything seemed to work (but
was getting a rundll32 error on startup relating to, I determined, the
remote wonder driver. I think I tracked down a solution relating to
an x-10 DLL, but that's another issue). Software on ATI cd is version
7.x (don't recall the exact version).

Recently downloaded most recent version of ATI software (drivers, MMC,
etc). The ATI program "checkver.exe" says this:

ATI Control Panel
Radeon Display Driver 7.93-030812a1-010735C-ATI
Multimedia drivers WDM 3.08 RC5

Problem 1:
ATI DVD player (version 8.6) does not function. Upon launch, I get
the DVD display window and the control skin, and then the error:

Fatal error. Failed to load the video decoders.

This message re-appears every time I hit the play button. I can,
however, use the ATI file player to play video files directly from a
DVD disk.

The ATI program pc-check says my CPU doesn't have MMX (and it says
there is a clock problem with my sound card - which is integrated into
my Giga-byte motherboard).

Problem 2:
Have also downloaded the program ATICDwiz-v2-1.exe, the details of
which are:
- Version
- ATICDwiz download utility
- ati dvd decoder download wizard

This program, when executed, asks for the location of a valid ATI cd.
I point the program to my D drive, where the above-described ATI cd is
sitting. The program flashes a progress bar rapidly several times
while telling me to wait while the CD wizard validates the ATI cd. It
then opens a message window telling me "Valid ATI CD not found!".


1) Why does the DVD player break when updating to version 8.6
2) Why does the PC check program fail to detect MMX functionality in
my P4?
3) Does the failure of MMX detection lead to DVD player failure?
4) Why does the ATIcdwiz dvd decoder download wizard fail to recognize
my ATI cd?
5) Are there any known or published limitations or incompatibilities
with ATI MMC software and W2K/pro ?

Thanks for any help / info.
1) Why does the DVD player break when updating to version 8.6

because that is the way ATI wanted it. (See 4)
2) Why does the PC check program fail to detect MMX functionality in
my P4?

Dunno, I use athlon.
3) Does the failure of MMX detection lead to DVD player failure?

See above
4) Why does the ATIcdwiz dvd decoder download wizard fail to recognize
my ATI cd?

Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)
This is because the newer version of DVD player is based on PowerDVD
and hence that company ants a cut of the profits. You are effectively
paying for a new licence.

The ATI web site offers this newer CD at a price. In euope there are
other locations for it.
5) Are there any known or published limitations or incompatibilities
with ATI MMC software and W2K/pro ?

Duunno, I use XP.

Andre C said:
because that is the way ATI wanted it. (See 4)

Dunno, I use athlon.

See above

Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)
This is because the newer version of DVD player is based on PowerDVD
and hence that company ants a cut of the profits. You are effectively
paying for a new licence.

The ATI web site offers this newer CD at a price. In euope there are
other locations for it.

Duunno, I use XP.


Joe, ignore the ATi configuration app - it always gets something wrong; MMX
is just the current boo-boo and no, it won't affect anything. FWIW I have
an AMD XP2000+ - same thing.

Andre has pointed out the reason why the DVD download app isn't working.
AFAIK (I don't use it) there's no reason the software shouldn't work with

Quite how you expect the DVD player to work if you haven't installed it is
beyond me, unless you're trying to run the 7.6 DVD player with MMC 8.6
which, AFAIK, won't work.

I would suggest you _either_ stick with the software on your CD _or_ get an
ATi Catalyst Software CD and do a clean install with _either_ the drivers
and software on the CD _or_ the Cat 3.8 driver suite, and DVD and MMC 8.6.
You'll do much better with a clean install of whatever you want to use
rather than installing other software previously, and you'll do better
keeping your selection to contemporary drivers and software.

Also, if you're going to install downloaded software, make sure you do it in
the correct order, and download everything you're going to need before you

HTH patrickp
Joe, ignore the ATi configuration app - it always gets something wrong; MMX
is just the current boo-boo and no, it won't affect anything. FWIW I have
an AMD XP2000+ - same thing.

Same here. 2200+. Our CPUs are fast.
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it is the new license of the DVD decoders....you have to have a 9XXX
series install CD in order for the wiz to allow you to install them..
been hittn WINMX to see if someone will post an ISO

Currently I use power DVD5 I used the DVD 7.6 while under MMC 8.6 BUT
it was a fluke as I could not repeat the scenario on any other
machine....when ever I did an OVER install it would kill all other

The downloader requires that you have a valid CD in your machine before
it will download the updated DVD player. That seems to me to be
adequate warning.
because that is the way ATI wanted it.

Why aren't those items listed on their troubleshooting FAQ?
Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)

I find that hard to believe. I have been updating my copy of Easy CD
creator for the better part of 2 years before they migrated from
version 5.3 to version 6. How long did the version of MMC last that
came with the Radeon 7500?

If ATI doesn't want anyone with 7.x to be able to upgrade to 8.6 then
why don't they say so? Why does MMC 8.6 happily install itself - and
work to boot?

Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD
because that is the way ATI wanted it.

Why aren't those items listed on their troubleshooting FAQ?
Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)

I find that hard to believe. I have been updating my copy of Easy CD
creator for the better part of 2 years before they migrated from
version 5.3 to version 6. How long did the version of MMC last that
came with the Radeon 7500?

If ATI doesn't want anyone with 7.x to be able to upgrade to 8.6 then
why don't they say so? Why does MMC 8.6 happily install itself - and
work to boot?

Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD
because that is the way ATI wanted it.

Why aren't those items listed on their troubleshooting FAQ?
Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)

I find that hard to believe. I have been updating my copy of Easy CD
creator for the better part of 2 years before they migrated from
version 5.3 to version 6. How long did the version of MMC last that
came with the Radeon 7500?

If ATI doesn't want anyone with 7.x to be able to upgrade to 8.6 then
why don't they say so? Why does MMC 8.6 happily install itself - and
work to boot?

Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD
player? In fact, is there *any* ATI warning to users of 7.x not to
attempt the upgrade to 8.6?
because that is the way ATI wanted it.

Why aren't those items listed on their troubleshooting FAQ?
Because you DO NOT have a valid CD. Your CD is too old. You need to
get the 2002 CD which contained a later version of MMC (8.3 I think.)

I find that hard to believe. I have been updating my copy of Easy CD
creator for the better part of 2 years before they migrated from
version 5.3 to version 6. How long did the version of MMC last that
came with the Radeon 7500?

If ATI doesn't want anyone with 7.x to be able to upgrade to 8.6 then
why don't they say so? Why does MMC 8.6 happily install itself - and
work to boot?

Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD
it is the new license of the DVD decoders....you have to have a 9XXX series install CD in order for the wiz to allow you to install
them.. been hittn WINMX to see if someone will post an ISO

Currently I use power DVD5 I used the DVD 7.6 while under MMC 8.6 BUT it was a fluke as I could not repeat the scenario on any
other machine....when ever I did an OVER install it would kill all other SW......
If ATI doesn't want anyone with 7.x to be able to upgrade to 8.6 then
why don't they say so? Why does MMC 8.6 happily install itself - and
work to boot?

Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD

Not sure which of your four responses to answer, but....

I recently wanted to upgrade MMC to 8.6 from 7.x. Reading the info on
the ATI web site indicated in order to do so I needed to first
purchase and install version 8.3 before I could download and install
8.6. I ordered the $10.00 CD and currently await its arrival.

The information IS THERE on the web site. Perhaps you just missed it.


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Not sure which of your four responses to answer, but....

I recently wanted to upgrade MMC to 8.6 from 7.x. Reading the info on
the ATI web site indicated in order to do so I needed to first
purchase and install version 8.3 before I could download and install
8.6. I ordered the $10.00 CD and currently await its arrival.

The information IS THERE on the web site. Perhaps you just missed it.


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Actually, you only need the CD for the DVD player; you can install and use
MMC 8.x FOC. But I think you'd agree $10 isn't a lot to pay for a PowerDVD
based DVD player - you'd pay a lot more than that for PowerDVD!

I find that hard to believe.

Believe it. You can't expect all software to remain free for life.
Is there any warning on ATI's download pages that say that anyone
upgrading from 7.x to 8.6 will lose the functionality of their DVD

Yes, I am pretty sure there is. Plus it was commented upon many times
in this forum and at rage3d.

Andre C said:
Believe it. You can't expect all software to remain free for life.

Absolutely. If you missed the warnings, you weren't paying attention.

Right beside the download for the DVD Decoder is an asterisk, and right
below that is this note"

* Requires original installation CD for RADEONT
9000/9200/9500/9600/9700/9800 series graphics adapters or MMC 8.1
installation CD to validate DVD decoder update.

It's also in ATI's FAQ for MMC 8.x.

Q6: 6. Do I need to purchase MMC 8.x?

A6: Owners of RADEON 9000/9500/9700/9600/9800 series graphics adapters
and ALL-IN-WONDER 9800PRO / 9600 / 9700PRO / 9000 / VE multimedia adapters
have access to a free upgrade to a full suite of MMC applications.
Owners of older ATI products that shipped with MMC or older
software will need to purchase an upgrade to MMC 8.1 to receive a full suite
of applications. Information on purchasing an upgrade can be found at

Q7: 7. Why am I being asked to insert my original software CD during
my upgrade to MMC 8.x?

A7: Upgrading to the most recent version of MMC requires your original
software CD for validation purposes. If you cannot locate your original CD,
please contact ATI customer support at ATI.com
Actually, you only need the CD for the DVD player; you can install and use
MMC 8.x FOC.

I'm not sure how, but will take your word for it. While I wish you had
explained how, it's too late for me since I've already purchased the
CD and await its arrival.

The ATI web site seemed clear -- in order to install MMC 8.6, one
needed to first upgrade to 8.3 which could only be accomplished by
purchasing the CD containing that particular upgrade.
But I think you'd agree $10 isn't a lot to pay for a PowerDVD
based DVD player - you'd pay a lot more than that for PowerDVD!

Again, you've provided information new and a bit foreign to me. Are
you saying some version of PowerDVD is included with the ATI upgrade
of MMC 8.3?

I currently have version 4.0 which came with a recently-purchased Sony
DRU-510A burner. Because of the quantity of quality comments made by
other users, and because I've liked what I've seen so far, I've been
thinking about upgrading to 5.0.


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I'm not sure how, but will take your word for it. While I wish you had
explained how, it's too late for me since I've already purchased the
CD and await its arrival.

The ATI web site seemed clear -- in order to install MMC 8.6, one
needed to first upgrade to 8.3 which could only be accomplished by
purchasing the CD containing that particular upgrade.

All the MMC 8.xs can be downloaded from the ATi site and installed FOC; you
need to have installed DirectX 9.x, the Windows Media encoder (version
depending on OS) and the DAO/MDAC module (all FOC downloads) first. The
only thing you have to shell out for is the DVD player, for which you need
the CD for authentication before you can download or install it.
Again, you've provided information new and a bit foreign to me. Are
you saying some version of PowerDVD is included with the ATI upgrade
of MMC 8.3?

The 8.x DVD player is based on a core licensed from CyberLink, who make
PowerDVD. It seems generally accepted that it is more or less PowerDVD with
an ATi interface.
I currently have version 4.0 which came with a recently-purchased Sony
DRU-510A burner. Because of the quantity of quality comments made by
other users, and because I've liked what I've seen so far, I've been
thinking about upgrading to 5.0.


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And, I have to say, what you can and can't download/install does seem to me
to be clearly explained on the ATi driver site -
http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html if you've been looking somewhere
