Upgrade **** !!!!!


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hi folks haven't been around for a while as I have had an awful year and am just finding my feet again.

So what do I do.

I have a AM2 mobo and DDR2 ram with a AM3 cpu that will not allow me to play Skyrim at max graphics.(an some newer games)

Do I,

Spend £190 on a AM3+ mobo and DDR3 ram, which will let me play Skyrim at max but will not be very good for a lot of the latest games and certainly not great for the future.

Spend £450 ish on an i5 4690k cpu and mobo and DDR3 ram which will play all games maxed out but may struggle with future games.

Save me loot an suck me thumb and wait for the new Intel Skylake offerings which will I assume be more expensive than the options above and may or may not be better value.

What to do ??

An aside,

If I holidayed in the USA would I be able to bring back pc components in me hand luggage and avoid paying taxes, as pc parts are cheaper in the states ??

Thanks V_R. I had thought the Intel way was the most sensible if a little pricey. I'd rather spend the £190 but not if I need to spend more in the very near future.

So do you recon the i5 4690k is still good for a few years yet. An have you heard anything about the next generation Skylake or is that Skynet. :cool:
If you wait for the next technology, you'll be waiting forever ... and then pay the premium price for it. :)

In my book, and I'm not alone, the i5 is still the better chip for gaming, however, if you are remotely interested in, say YouTube Video rendering, then the i7 would be a better choice. Never buy an i3.

Ta Mucks. I know what you mean about waiting. I would never contemplate a i3 an a i7 is far too spensive for this tyke. I'll give it a couple of weeks and see what Skylake had to offer. I may be in for a trip to the states so if I buy stateside I should be able to save some loot. :)
Had more of a dig on the net and it seems that Skylake will be with us at the beginning of August. seems they are to launch with "K" series cpus for overclockers so I think I will wait and see what the new boys on the block are like. They will use a 1151 socket which is just a 1150 with an extra pin so old coolers will fit. Also if mobo manufacurers decide to fit them Skylake can run with DDR3 or DDR4.A leaked document today shows that there is a 30% increase in performance in certain areas with an overall improvement of 7%. So for once I think I will wait and see.

If they are too pricey I will probably go for a i54690k.

Anyone using a M2 filled socket on a mobo ? I just wondered if they were faster than a ssd in real life.
