in message
This "Circular logic" is used use a single OS installation for PCs
in the
company. This saves time when you get multiple PCs and you want
them all to
be exactly the same. You get a Volume Licenses of the OS, Apps, and
not, and install it on a PC. Then you take an image of the PC's
hard drive
and deploy it to the rest of the machines. You can have all
configured, and deployed in a day.
So either you are using SysPrep or some imaging software to transfer
one host's configuration to other hosts so you can distribute your
volume license.
The logic is to purchase Windows XP Home,
No company would be using Windows XP Home for their employee's
but Microsoft messed things up and wants me to BUY machines with
Windows XP
Pro or Vista Business on them and force me to use that nonsense
Logic" to streamline my deployment.
So why can't you migrate your licenses from the old hosts to your new
hosts? You setup the baseline host with Windows XP Pro, apps, and
tweaking using one of your volume licenses and then ghost it to your
other hosts (atop of whatever OS they came with) to distribute your
other volume licenses.
Since you are buying new hardware, why not just specify what OS comes
on it? If you're stuck with buying Vista on those new hosts, would
the cost be any different than if you got those hosts with some other
version of Windows installed on them? If those are pre-built hosts
supplied with pre-installed Windows Vista then wouldn't you also be
getting an OEM license with each host? That means you have the
downgrade rights from Vista to Windows XP Pro - but then if you didn't
surrender your volume license with the old hosts then you already have
those volume licenses for Windows XP Pro to slam atop whatever OS came
on the new hosts.
- You have volume licenses of Windows XP Pro on your current hosts.
- You scrap the old hosts but retain your volume license (which was
purchased separately).
- You received the new hosts (doesn't matter what Windows version is
one them).
- You prep the baseline host with one of the volume licenses that you
still have for Windows XP Pro.
- You destribute an image of that baseline host to your other new
So how has it changed regarding your distribution of the volume
license? You moved the licenses from old hardware to new hardware.
They weren't OEM licenses.
Unless I am mistaken. This is why I
want to find out here what I have to do in order to stay legal, and
I wasn't aware that Microsoft charged for *sales* calls. Besides, if
you really did purchase a volume license, there is no included support
with that license?