Having had some small experience with both Vista and
Win7, I believe that Win7 is more similar to Vista that it is to XP.
Like Windows 98, I preferred this, at first, to XP finding it more
manageable. There was more that went wrong, but I knew how to fix it.
There wasn't much that COULD go wrong with Win98 in the end, that I
couldn't recover from.
However, time passed as did the evolution of programs and devices for
PCs and Windows98 got left behind and was not compatible with much that
I wanted.
So I found myself with Windows XP and now, in much the same situation I
was in before.
I have become familiar with XP now (nowhere near to the extent I was
with '98) and am reluctant to 'upgrade' to 'Vista' or 'Win7' in the same
way I was with XP from '98.
Although, with XP, I think there is still a few years of useful
operation in it yet and there is nothing (or very little) that is
incompatible with it that you need an 'upgrade' for....
With brand new hardware, you get the OS that comes with the PC, and that
is the best for it, as the 'architecture' has been developed along with
However, when you talk about an 'upgrade' on an earlier PC that came
with an older operating system, I think, it is best left alone.
It is though, after all is said and done, a matter of personal opinion.
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.