Upgrade to Windows 7 or not?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rajoo Sharma
  • Start date Start date
And so can be WIndows7 tamed down to WinXp behavior, but it's better than Vista

Then why not stay with XP. Windows 7 performance is far better and faster than XP .
If you are talking about the cosmetics of how it looks then say as so. You are
saying performance with the above sentence that you posted
Having had some small experience with both Vista and
Win7, I believe that Win7 is more similar to Vista that it is to XP.

Like Windows 98, I preferred this, at first, to XP finding it more
manageable. There was more that went wrong, but I knew how to fix it.
There wasn't much that COULD go wrong with Win98 in the end, that I
couldn't recover from.

However, time passed as did the evolution of programs and devices for
PCs and Windows98 got left behind and was not compatible with much that
I wanted.

So I found myself with Windows XP and now, in much the same situation I
was in before.

I have become familiar with XP now (nowhere near to the extent I was
with '98) and am reluctant to 'upgrade' to 'Vista' or 'Win7' in the same
way I was with XP from '98.

Although, with XP, I think there is still a few years of useful
operation in it yet and there is nothing (or very little) that is
incompatible with it that you need an 'upgrade' for....

With brand new hardware, you get the OS that comes with the PC, and that
is the best for it, as the 'architecture' has been developed along with

However, when you talk about an 'upgrade' on an earlier PC that came
with an older operating system, I think, it is best left alone.

It is though, after all is said and done, a matter of personal opinion.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
Yes upgrade.
As of eye-candy, I don't understand? My Vist alooks almost identical to
WinXP, no eye-candy, I disable all the sh**, pure performanc e& speed here,
no eye-candies.
WINDOWS CLASSIC Apperance + Black background, no images, no special effects,
pure function here.

And so can be WIndows7 tamed down to WinXp behavior, but it's better than
Vista certainly.
As with all operating systems, new hardware comes out and no built in support
is offered, microsoft offers service packs to offer support with existing os,
of course
new os comes with built in support for newest hardware and add on's, xp to
me is better than vista, except in the area of USB support, I have had
nothing but problems with XP and a new mp4 player being removed and trying to
see it again, (not apple), Xp is a real pain AFAIC. looking forward to
offically offered Windows 7
One can skip Vista but not Win7, Win7 is mandatory. I can skip one
generation, but two generations of Windows skipped is asking for problems.
Because applications will be expecting Win7 or Vista and I will still be on
a 7 year old OS.

But on a different subject, I was surprised when downloading evaluation of
AgilentADS2009 (Advanced Design System), that first OS they listed was
Linux, then Vista, then XP.
I know it's irrelevant what's listed first, but it might be an indication of
how Science/Engineering people appreciate Linux.

In case you didn't know what AgilentADS is, just one fact:
A typical license costs $46-52,000 I am not kidding. It's merely 1.73GB,
5GB after decomrpessing (it uses moreefficient comrepssion than ZIP,
resulting in grater than 2x ratio), it runs on desktops and hell it costs
I am also running AWR MicrowaveOffice 2008 - a $35,000 application (for
maximum feature-set version), it's also designed first for Linux, and then
for Windows.
I am askign everyone to udnerstand what UNIX means for big business, most MS
customers are just playign and entertainign themselves, but for serious
business Vista was a sour apple.

We al wait for Windows7, in fact I am excited, i will definitely buy it...
maybe wait 2 months until they discover bugs & issue ServicePack, hehehe,
will see.
Somehow I believe it'll be a positive step towards damage control after
Vista fiasco.
Personally I have had no problems with Windows Vista and will likely not
upgrade most of my computers for some time to come.
try it out for yourself:


to avoid unexpected
hassles and accidental

you might want to
install in vista via
virtual pc or virtual box


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- Microsoft Partner
- @hotmail.com
~~~~~~~~~~"share the nirvana" - dbZen
Ironically it was me who got blasted for promoting WinXP over any other
(Vista or Win7), I was labeled here as 'extreme" and repeatedly insulted by
Frank, Rich, Spanky, Peter, or one person usin gmultiple names... now I
moderated a bit and get criticized from another camp.

I fell like in Politics, you can never please all sides.
I actually love WinXP and was forced into Vista by a disaster (virus,
discovered XP disk is missing, had urgent work, rushed to a store and all
they had were Vistas - no time to wait for XP shipping from ZipZoomFly.com
my usual OEM supplier), yeah, but I just found many ways to wrestle Vista to
really highspeed and neat/XP-like appearance, no Aero, no
pictures/baloons/UAC/etc annoyances.

heck, even WinExplorer is hardly different from WinXP except for
breadcrumbs, I found a way to ignore breadcrumbs interface.

The only things which are fatally, horribly wrong are SEARCH, etc. for which
I use 3d party apps like Mythicsoft "FileLocatorPro" instead of Vista
failing search that missses lots of files with strings in their contents
which I know exist, but Vista fails to find UNLIKE LOVELY WinXP!!

But somehow I have a subconscious feeling that I'll be installing Windows7
soon after it's released. You can't drag on forever with old OS, but I
agree... if it wasn't for a virus I'd be running WinXP for another year. I
admit Vista is more secure, but it's only better who act recklessly, I was
never infected on WinXP.

Ohh you might wonder why I just mentioned a "virus" which forced me to
upgrade to Vista... it was at work, it wasn't my actions. The idiots who
control DSL router there force-fed me a virus, too long to explain. When I
saw an Alabama High School network on my New Jersey laptop in Nethood, I
knew something is going on.
Then I got porn popups, then winlogon was unable to start, Blue Screen of
Death, done... All dead.

Anyways, I love WinXP, I just no longer have a disk and buying it in 2010 is
crazy, I'd rather buy Win7 now that I learned how to tame down stupid Vista.

I also wrote a boatload of suggestions to MS via CustomerService, so hope
will see some implemented as I wrote under 14 different email addresses
w/different names.
Rajoo said:
I have read that Windows 7's performance is slightly better than Windows
Vista. Soo I am wondering is it any reason to upgrade to Win7 except for
the eyecandy?

Any thoughts, recommendations?

http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows XP/30-1.aspx
http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows Vista/35-1.aspx

So just WHERE are you going to get Windows 7 so you can upgrade to it?
Or are you privy to a "release candidate" version (i.e., beta version)?
Well, if you're willing to go with beta versions than YOU have chosen to
become a voluntary tester of the unreleased version.
Rajoo Sharma said:
I have read that Windows 7's performance is slightly better than Windows
Vista. Soo I am wondering is it any reason to upgrade to Win7 except for
the eyecandy?

Any thoughts, recommendations?

http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows XP/30-1.aspx
http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows Vista/35-1.aspx

The operating system is the environment in which a user installs 3rd party
applications. The 3rd party applications, for the most part, are what the
user uses. Not the operating system itself. From that basis, one
determines whether or not to move to another operating system that will
consume more resources.
Rajoo said:
I have read that Windows 7's performance is slightly better than Windows
Vista. Soo I am wondering is it any reason to upgrade to Win7 except for
the eyecandy?

Any thoughts, recommendations?

http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows XP/30-1.aspx
http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows Vista/35-1.aspx

As usual, everyone's "mileage will vary," but so far booting/using Vista
and Win7 on the same machine here, shows MORE than a "slight"
performance increase with Win7 compared to Vista. ..And with the test
computer bing a 3.0ghz HT, 2gb mem, SATA 350gb 7200 rpm drive, with
256mb, (PCI, Aarg!), video. So not so powerful with todays processor
standards. Win7 wins hands down in performance, and reliability. ..So
far.. I'll be purchasing Win7 final for sure when it comes out. Sadly my
several hundred dollar Vista Ultimate disk will most likely become a
coaster. Even with SP2, Vista still has it's problems.. ..OLD problems
never fixed. Don't expect them to EVER be fixed either. As with Win ME,
Vista will fall to the wayside. Yep, upgrade to Win7 when it comes out.

JEWboy said:
One can skip Vista but not Win7, Win7 is mandatory. I can skip one
generation, but two generations of Windows skipped is asking for problems.
Because applications will be expecting Win7 or Vista and I will still be
on a 7 year old OS.

Mandatory is taking a SHIT. Windows is not mandatory you dumb ass. Also,
you don't even have the brains to fix you clock. You don't understand the
basics of Vista.
JEWboy said:
Ironically it was me who got blasted for promoting WinXP over any other
(Vista or Win7), I was labeled here as 'extreme" and repeatedly insulted
by Frank, Rich, Spanky, Peter, or one person usin gmultiple names... now I
moderated a bit and get criticized from another camp.
You should be blasted because you don't understand the basic concept of
TIME. Try Vista your head will explode and the donkey shit will splatter
the walls.
+Bob+ said:
The smart money waits for the larger market to do the preliminary
testing... and usually waits for SP1 too.

So you are on Windows 7 already? Thought so.
The date and time was Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:44:52 PM, and on a whim,
Rajoo Sharma pounded out on the keyboard:
I have read that Windows 7's performance is slightly better than Windows
Vista. Soo I am wondering is it any reason to upgrade to Win7 except for
the eyecandy?

Any thoughts, recommendations?

http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows XP/30-1.aspx
http://www.hd720i.com/Category/Windows/Windows Vista/35-1.aspx

Hi Rajoo,

I installed a partition of Win7 on this workstation for testing. I do a
lot of video editing in XP and the same software doesn't perform well at
all in Win7. I suppose if everything is optimized for performance Win7
might work better, but the way it is right now won't allow CPU/RAM/disc
intensive apps to work that well on the same hardware. I've read a lot
of services have been manually set in Win7 compared to Vista to aid in
better performance, but it will require further optimization for those
types of apps, and I haven't had the chance to work on that yet.

I was also disappointed that the sound card software is incompatible
with Win7, and I need the features that software offers. The sound card
works, but not the software. Also the scanners are incompatible, which
until they die, Win7 won't become the OS of choice.

If all you do is word processing, spreadsheets, email, web browsing,
etc., it works fine.

Basically the OS is just to run our apps and operate with our hardware.
XP resolved all the issues of the Win9x years, and it works well. I
don't believe anyone NEEDS a new OS, but buying a new computer will
obviously have the most current OS, so users will have to live with it.
At least MS didn't let Vista leave a bad feeling in the industry for
too long. They've learned from Bob/Me that it's important to fix your
mistakes sooner than later.

Terry R.
Terry R. had de volgende lumineuze gedachte op 22-06-09 19:07:
I don't believe anyone NEEDS a new OS, but buying a new computer will
obviously have the most current OS, so users will have to live with it.

Terry R.

Why must we live with it, that we can only buy a computer with an OS
that we do not want? Why do we accept this loss of freedom? Buying a
computer and buying an OS ought to be two separate purchases one
independent of the other, with a choice in hardware and a choice in
software. There are other OS's than MS windows alone; there are several
variants of Linux for instance.

I believe it is monstrous that the current situation is so tamely
accepted: "users will have to live with it." The current situation is an

Erik Jan
Erik Jan said:
Terry R. had de volgende lumineuze gedachte op 22-06-09 19:07:

Why must we live with it, that we can only buy a computer with an OS that
we do not want? Why do we accept this loss of freedom? Buying a computer
and buying an OS ought to be two separate purchases one independent of the
other, with a choice in hardware and a choice in software. There are other
OS's than MS windows alone; there are several variants of Linux for

If you are SMART, you can find an computer with the OS you want. If you are
not so SMART, then live with it.
I believe it is monstrous that the current situation is so tamely
accepted: "users will have to live with it." The current situation is an

Erik Jan

You believe the current situation is abuse? Maybe a computer is something
you should stay away from. Go outside and water the flowers.
You *do* have a choice.
1) Buy a computer with no O/S and add your own.
2) Build your own comupter with the O/S of your choice.
3) Don't use a computer.

: Terry R. had de volgende lumineuze gedachte op 22-06-09 19:07:
: > I don't believe anyone NEEDS a new OS, but buying a new computer will
: > obviously have the most current OS, so users will have to live with it.
: >
: > Terry R.
: Why must we live with it, that we can only buy a computer with an OS
: that we do not want? Why do we accept this loss of freedom? Buying a
: computer and buying an OS ought to be two separate purchases one
: independent of the other, with a choice in hardware and a choice in
: software. There are other OS's than MS windows alone; there are several
: variants of Linux for instance.
: I believe it is monstrous that the current situation is so tamely
: accepted: "users will have to live with it." The current situation is an
: abuse.
: Erik Jan