The said:
Just wondered when i look at prices for the PCI graphics crads they seem to
be cheaper than AGP card why is this? Also is PCI alot faster than AGP isit
worth the up-grade? What card would be best for me i m going to spend upto
£300 on a card .
thanks in advance
First of all, we have to differentiate between PCI and PCI Express. PCI
is a general purpose slot. There are some PCI cards out there, but not
many, and none of the latest and greatest are available for PCI.
PCI Express on the other hand is the latest and greatest. In theory the
slot should have twice the bandwidth of the fastest AGP slot (16x
versus 8x) but in practise it doesn't usually show.
The important question is - what does your motherboard have in it? I
have seen a very few MBs that have both, normally its one or the other.
PCIexpress cards may be cheaper than their AGP equivalents because of
supply and demand. The manufacturers make more PCIexpress cards these
days. There are fewer MBs coming with AGP and no new chipsets support
Caution about spending so much on a card. Your video card may or may
not be your bottleneck. In many games, RAM is also important and it may
be a bigger improvement to have 1 or 2 GB of RAM and a mid range card
than 512 and a high end one.