upgrade to .NET 2.0 but some files are missing




I have VS 2003 which use .NET 1.1 but I have download and installed .NET 2.0
from MS but some files are missing.
The download and installation was successful.
The main reason for me to use .NET 2.0 is to be able to use the ClickOnce
technology that exist in VS 2005 but according to
an answer from this new group this ClickOnce feature exist in .NET 2.0 that
can be downloaded from MS.

File mageUI.exe is missing and this file is important for being able to use
this ClickOnce feature.

Have anybody any suggestion why this file is missing?


Marc Gravell

Mage / MageUI aren't part of the standard user install. Just search
for ".Net framework 2.0 SDK" on Microsoft.com


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