Just tried to upgrade. I had all latest updates for x64 beta 2 - going
to x64 RC1. Booted Vista x64 Beta 2, logged on, and inserted the x64
RC1 DVD that I made into the same drive (J
. It looks like it started
then came up with an SPWIZENG.DLL file not found error and I cancelled.
I then tried it in my DVD-ROM(L
drive and got a " No UDF driver"-type
error message. When I did a dir on L:, the only contents was a
readme.txt file that said that I need a UDF-enabled device ( or
something similiar). What do I need to do to the NEC DVD to have it "see
what's on there"? I checked - no newer driver .
I rebooted to XP, popped in the DVD and from windows explorer, I did a
dir and I can read it fine in J: AND L: BUT there is no readme.txt file
on the DVD ??? I found the spwizeng.dll file in the "sources" folder.
I'll make another DVD , but what's with the "readme.txt file is there on
the DVD-ROM when in one drive " - but it's not there in XP ??
From XP, on the DVD, in the \upgrade\vista\beta2 folder I see
Double-click on the appropriate MSU file in the \upgrade\vista\beta2
directory to install the update:
For Windows Vista Beta 2:
For Windows Vista Beta 2 (x64 Editions):
SO I'll reboot Vista beta2 x64 and double-click
Windows6.0-KB922917-v1-x64-EN-US.MSU directly.
Perhaps an " upgrade_readme.txt" or upgrade.bat" file in the root dir of
the DVD would make it easier for us than browsing/guessing the upgrade
install process. I'll send feedback.
Also, while just re-reading all the new info, I see in my mail message
that they emailed me a different key than I have written on either of my
old x64 Beta2 DVDs (x86 and x64) which installed fine. ??
I entered the numbers that I had written on the DVDs. I THOUGHT I'd pop
this in and be done in 2 hours. Haven't gotten to step 2 yet !
I did run md5 on the downloaded file and the checksum did match the MS
download webpage. Will reburn it.