The company, who wants an upgrade from Outlook 97 to Outlook 2000 don't have
OE installed on their machines. When I try an upgrade, Outlook comes with a
message that you need OE 4.01 or higher.
Can I upgrade (or install) Outlook 2000 on a machine without Outlook Express
on that machine? We're using exchange 5.5.and I'm using a script from a CIW
from an Office 2000 CD without the options to upgrade IE 5.5, Word, Excel
etc. Only Outlook 2000.
Jan Mossel
The company, who wants an upgrade from Outlook 97 to Outlook 2000 don't have
OE installed on their machines. When I try an upgrade, Outlook comes with a
message that you need OE 4.01 or higher.
Can I upgrade (or install) Outlook 2000 on a machine without Outlook Express
on that machine? We're using exchange 5.5.and I'm using a script from a CIW
from an Office 2000 CD without the options to upgrade IE 5.5, Word, Excel
etc. Only Outlook 2000.
Jan Mossel