I am looking for a new PC for my wife and in order to get the most bang for
the buck there seem to be an abundance of vista PCs out there that can be
upgraded to windows 7. Unfortunately is seems that her 2 most expensive
programs, Painter 9.5 and Photo shop CS2 won't run on a 64 bit O.S., or at
least not without a lot of trouble. All of the PCs that I am looking at have
64 bit vista installed.
My question is can I buy one of these and when I get my free upgrade disk
for windows 7 can I install win 7 32 bit? I don't mind doing a clean install.
Sorry if this has been asked. I couldn't find it.
Thanks for any input.
the buck there seem to be an abundance of vista PCs out there that can be
upgraded to windows 7. Unfortunately is seems that her 2 most expensive
programs, Painter 9.5 and Photo shop CS2 won't run on a 64 bit O.S., or at
least not without a lot of trouble. All of the PCs that I am looking at have
64 bit vista installed.
My question is can I buy one of these and when I get my free upgrade disk
for windows 7 can I install win 7 32 bit? I don't mind doing a clean install.
Sorry if this has been asked. I couldn't find it.
Thanks for any input.