Robert Biel
Can anyone explain how to upgrade the chipset on this board after Windows XP
Pro is installed? Or steer me to the applicable URL? I've been all over
the Asus website and my MB installation disk but I can't find any
instructions. I found the driver download at Asus but it appears to make a
floppy which would be used during OS installation. My OS and all software
is already installed and I'd prefer not to go through all that again if I
can avoid it. I'd appreciate your help. I've been researching this via
google for 3 days with no luck.
Why do I want to upgrade? I've had two unexplainable events in the last 4
days since I built new PC. Once a spontaneous restart while playing WOW and
once during post it froze during post after the display showed NForce 4
chipset and I had to do a reset to proceed. After reset it posted and the
OS loaded normally. I know there are reports of incompatibility with Antec
power supplies and I'm using the Antec Neo 480 (not the HE), but before I do
anything drastic like replace the power supply I figured I'd try updating to
latest chipset/bios. Not doing any overclocking.
Also, I saw a post below that warned against using the Asus bios update
program from within windows. Can anyone shed some light on that? I've used
it previously on my P4S533 and never had a problem. Thanks for any help you
may have to offer,
Robert B
Pro is installed? Or steer me to the applicable URL? I've been all over
the Asus website and my MB installation disk but I can't find any
instructions. I found the driver download at Asus but it appears to make a
floppy which would be used during OS installation. My OS and all software
is already installed and I'd prefer not to go through all that again if I
can avoid it. I'd appreciate your help. I've been researching this via
google for 3 days with no luck.
Why do I want to upgrade? I've had two unexplainable events in the last 4
days since I built new PC. Once a spontaneous restart while playing WOW and
once during post it froze during post after the display showed NForce 4
chipset and I had to do a reset to proceed. After reset it posted and the
OS loaded normally. I know there are reports of incompatibility with Antec
power supplies and I'm using the Antec Neo 480 (not the HE), but before I do
anything drastic like replace the power supply I figured I'd try updating to
latest chipset/bios. Not doing any overclocking.
Also, I saw a post below that warned against using the Asus bios update
program from within windows. Can anyone shed some light on that? I've used
it previously on my P4S533 and never had a problem. Thanks for any help you
may have to offer,
Robert B