Joe Befumo
I have a generic PC that I picked up on ebay (from starburstcomp, whom I
would never recommend to anyone), that has been experiencing some problems.
Basically, when I have too many applications going at once, it simply shuts
down, after which it will not respond to the on/off button until I unplug
and reconnect the power cord.) Anyway, based on advice received in this
group (thanks!) I downloaded a memtest utility, which indicated memory
errors at several addresses. (Oddly, interchanged the chips, and it tested
fine, then it started doing the same thing again & the test once again
indicates errors.)
So, I've concluded that I need new memory.
Right now, my system includes an AMD 2.1 Ghz Athlon (Throughbred), sitting
on an ASRock mother board with 1 Gig memory.
My question regards what other components I should exchange when I replace
my memory.
From what I can gather, the current configuration has a 266 Mhz FSB, does
this sound correct? Can I increase my system's performance (which is pretty
miserable) with a motherboard that supports 333 or 400 FSB, while retaining
the same CPU?
The other alternatives I'm considering are to upgrade to a Pentium 4 (cpu,
motherboard, memory) with the 800 Mhz FSB, or an AMD 64, about which I know
next to nothing.
I use this machine primarily with performance/memory hungry apps, like
Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Cakewalk Sonar, etc.
I have a generic PC that I picked up on ebay (from starburstcomp, whom I
would never recommend to anyone), that has been experiencing some problems.
Basically, when I have too many applications going at once, it simply shuts
down, after which it will not respond to the on/off button until I unplug
and reconnect the power cord.) Anyway, based on advice received in this
group (thanks!) I downloaded a memtest utility, which indicated memory
errors at several addresses. (Oddly, interchanged the chips, and it tested
fine, then it started doing the same thing again & the test once again
indicates errors.)
So, I've concluded that I need new memory.
Right now, my system includes an AMD 2.1 Ghz Athlon (Throughbred), sitting
on an ASRock mother board with 1 Gig memory.
My question regards what other components I should exchange when I replace
my memory.
From what I can gather, the current configuration has a 266 Mhz FSB, does
this sound correct? Can I increase my system's performance (which is pretty
miserable) with a motherboard that supports 333 or 400 FSB, while retaining
the same CPU?
The other alternatives I'm considering are to upgrade to a Pentium 4 (cpu,
motherboard, memory) with the 800 Mhz FSB, or an AMD 64, about which I know
next to nothing.
I use this machine primarily with performance/memory hungry apps, like
Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Cakewalk Sonar, etc.