Upgrade 98 to XP



I want to install XP on my computer to replace my old 98.
If I make an upgrade, my actual drivers versions (for the graphic
card, sound card, ethernet card ect) will be compatible with XP?
If I make a clean installation, can I use the same drivers versions
used with windows 98? Or should I search on the internet new drivers
versions compatible with XP?


I want to install XP on my computer to replace my old 98.
If I make an upgrade, my actual drivers versions (for the graphic
card, sound card, ethernet card ect) will be compatible with XP?
If I make a clean installation, can I use the same drivers versions
used with windows 98? Or should I search on the internet new drivers
versions compatible with XP?

Have you firstly checked that your W98 machine is actually capable of
running XP in the first place? Many are not.

Bob Harris

XP comes with many generic driver, so it will probably load something that
works for most hardware.

But, for best performance in sound, video, printers, etc, check to see
whether the hardware maker offers XP-compatible drivers. If they do not,
think carefully about upgrading the hardware, before attempting the upgrade
to XP.

You might also want to run the free Microsoft Upgrade Advisor. It will tell
you whether your hardware can run XP, what changes are required/recommended,
and will also check software for XP compatibility and recommmend actions.
Note that most antivirus, system-level utitlites, and CD/DVD writing
software must be uninstalled before the upgrade, then re-installed after the
upgrade, even if the software says that it is XP-compatible. Such software
senses the operating system and will load different DLLs for XP than for 98.


Another tip: XP loves RAM. While it can run in 128 Meg, it will not run
well, not if you also want to run any other programs. Consider 256 Meg the
minimum, and install 512 Meg (or more), if your PC's motherboard can handle


I want to install XP on my computer to replace my old 98.
If I make an upgrade, my actual drivers versions (for the graphic
card, sound card, ethernet card ect) will be compatible with XP?
If I make a clean installation, can I use the same drivers versions
used with windows 98? Or should I search on the internet new drivers
versions compatible with XP?

Whether upgrade or clean install, you most likely cannot use the drivers
from win98. Many are on the XP CD but not all, so research first for
drivers. Do you know this computer can run XP?

Bruce Chambers

I want to install XP on my computer to replace my old 98.
If I make an upgrade, my actual drivers versions (for the graphic
card, sound card, ethernet card ect) will be compatible with XP?
If I make a clean installation, can I use the same drivers versions
used with windows 98? Or should I search on the internet new drivers
versions compatible with XP?

Before starting, have you verified that all of your PC's hardware
components are capable of supporting WinXP? This information will be
found at the PC's manufacturer's web site, and on Microsoft's Windows
Catalog: (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hcl/default.mspx)

You should also take a few minutes to ensure that there are
WinXP-specific device drivers available for all of the machine's
components. There may not be, if the PC was specifically designed for
Win98/Me. Also bear in mind that PCs designed for, sold and run fine
with Win9x/Me very often do not meet WinXP's much more stringent
hardware quality requirements. This is particularly true of many early
models in Compaq's consumer-class Presario product line or HP's
consumer-class Pavilion product line. WinXP, like WinNT and Win2K
before it, is quite sensitive to borderline defective or substandard
hardware (particularly motherboards, RAM and hard drives) that will
still support Win9x.

HOW TO Prepare to Upgrade Win98 or WinMe

Upgrading to Windows XP


Bruce Chambers

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