W2K SP2 w/about a dozen pre-SP3 WinUpdate applied fixes, Security
Rollup 1 from Jan 2004, and the recent WMF patch from Ilfak.
I've read through all the material I could find on the usoft site
about SP4, but there was no explicit mention of whether I should
manually remove the existing patches listed in add/remove programs
prior to installing SP4. I assume by the lack of removal instructions
that SP4 will housekeep and delete the patches, but I've never
installed an SP atop existing patches. Can someone please confirm? I
do plan to remove Ilfak's WMF patch. just prior to SP4.
Rollup 1 from Jan 2004, and the recent WMF patch from Ilfak.
I've read through all the material I could find on the usoft site
about SP4, but there was no explicit mention of whether I should
manually remove the existing patches listed in add/remove programs
prior to installing SP4. I assume by the lack of removal instructions
that SP4 will housekeep and delete the patches, but I've never
installed an SP atop existing patches. Can someone please confirm? I
do plan to remove Ilfak's WMF patch. just prior to SP4.