Thanks for your help. This response by XP wasn't expected. When ever I
update the chart value range and X axis labels the chart (line graph) doesn't
update. I click and drag to update the Value and Categoty X axis labels.
Do I have the axsis formated incorrectly? Under the format labels, Right now
I have "base unit" checked. And the Max and Min dates are entered. In
previous versions of excel I know you could just update the cell range and
the chart would update. This should be so elementary. Thanks - Tom
update the chart value range and X axis labels the chart (line graph) doesn't
update. I click and drag to update the Value and Categoty X axis labels.
Do I have the axsis formated incorrectly? Under the format labels, Right now
I have "base unit" checked. And the Max and Min dates are entered. In
previous versions of excel I know you could just update the cell range and
the chart would update. This should be so elementary. Thanks - Tom