updating to sp4



after updating to sp4 from sp1 when i go to windows help
and try to click on an highlighted option i get script
error messages - it will not let me go any further - any
ideas? thanks in advance

Pete Lees

shyatt said:
after updating to sp4 from sp1 when i go to windows help
and try to click on an highlighted option i get script
error messages

There's a good chance that you have a registry problem: the registry
entries for the HTML Help ActiveX control may be broken. A number of
the security patches and service packs that Microsoft released last
year are known to cause this problem, including the cumulative
security patches for Internet Explorer and SP4 for Windows 2000.

To fix this problem on a machine with Windows 2000 SP4 installed, open
a Command Prompt window and enter the following two commands:

regsvr32 /u <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx
regsvr32 <drive>:\winnt\system32\hhctrl.ocx

The first command unregisters the ActiveX control; the second
re-registers it, thereby fixing the broken registry entries that are
responsible for the problem.


I have a similar problem in upgrading to sp4. It
installs fine but after the install my internet
connection becomes dreadfully slow and does not really
even work at all. I tried this a couple of months ago
and found that internet explorer crashed after 3-4
pages. Rolling back to SP1 fixes the problem. Is there
something inthe registry that needs modification?

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