updating the video card question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peace
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Hi ... I have the ATI Radeon 9800 pro (128) video card and I am not using
the latest driver for it , Reason as to why I am not is because with the
driver I have now I notice the graphics is much richer , the colors are more
deeper if that make any sense , Now I did try out the latest driver but I
find it not to my liken , My question is , Is it wise to always being using
the latest driver ? Or can I just use the one that I perfer instead ? Also I
believe the driver that I am using is just 8 months old and the catalyst
control center program is working great too ., Where as to the newest one it
doesn't work , I would like to hear your advise as to this matter , thanks
It is not necessary to update video drivers etc.
The new drives are usually to fix problems with certain computer setups or
to fix problems in some games etc.

If you are happy with your video quality and performance - Don't upgrade the

I have installed newer drivers in the past and have gone back to the
previous because of video quality loss with the new one.

Like the old saying - If it ain't broke, Don't fix it.
Hi ... Thanks for the quick response ... I was thinking the samething about
if it ain't broken , don't fix it but , I read this artical and I thought
that I should , view below and sorry for the long post ... Though I am
staying now with the older one , Thanks

The ATI Catalyst software suite contains the following components:
Radeon display driver 8.152
Multimedia Center 9.08
HydraVision 3.25
HydraVision Basic Edition 3.25
Remote Wonder 3.02
WDM version 4.07
Southbridge/IXP Driver
Catalyst Control Center Version 5.7
The new fixes and features in this update include:
New video preview. This provides real-time video preview and shows users the
benefits of adjusting video settings without committing the change.s
Simpler video playback. This feature easily enables full-screen video
playback on your secondary display device.
New video wizard. This wizard helps users optimize their display
Video de-interlacing options. This option allows video enthusiasts to choose
which de-interlacing method they want to use.
This release of Catalyst introduces full hardware acceleration of Microsoft
Windows Media Video (WMV) files when using DirectX 9 shaders. Hardware
acceleration significantly reduces dropped frames and can reduce CPU usage
up to 50%.
Playing an mpeg using the media player found in Windows XP Media Center
Edition 2005 no longer results in the ATI VPU Recovery failing if it is
disabled and then re-enabled
Connecting a TV and a monitor to an ATI RADEON X800 series and having the TV
set as the primary display device no longer no longer results in the Video
Mode remaining checked when switching to a resolution which is not supported
Intermittent desktop corruption is no longer noticed when enabling or
disabling a secondary display device
Dragging or resizing the Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 window no
longer results in a VPU recovery when playing video on an HDTV
Running Maya under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON; X800 series installed no
longer results in display corruption being noticed when moving the mouse
Attempting to add a custom timing specification such as; 960x724 for the
HDTV device properties page, no longer results in the custom timing not
being added to the HDTV resolution menu list.
An error message is no longer displayed when attempting to switch a
secondary display device back to the primary display device when using the
I hope that you would now how to update the video card drives. Ati (and
nVidia) recommends that you un-install the previous installed drivers (with
Add/Remove Programs). If you do not remove your currently installed drivers
before appling the updated drivers, you will get the exact results that you
have described.
Hi, Peace.

You might want to visit the Usenet newsgroup
alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati. Lots of ATI gurus (and a lot of newbies
and non-techies like me) hang out there.

Hi ... Yves , Whenever I remove any programs/drivers I always do go to the
add and remove program area and I also remove if found the folder under
windows explorer area , Also I remove everything in the Perfetch folder as
well , then I would delete the recycling bim , then I would restart comp ,
Once after all that is done , Then and only will I install whatever ...

R.C. White >>> Thanks for that link and I will check it out too :)
Hi again ... R. C. White could you please provide the server to
alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati. newsgroup ? I try to just use Usenet but
that didn't work , So if you could explain how to reach this newsgroup ?
Hi, Peace.

The Usenet is kind of like the World Wide Web - it's out there, but nobody
really manages the whole thing. We just all use it and I have no idea how
it really works.

But most every ISP includes access to a news server in its monthly
subscription price. I don't know about Heaven.com, which apparently is your
ISP (it's part of your email address). My ISP's news server won't help you,
because you're not writing them a check each month. ;^{

There are many (thousands?) of free news servers out there; Google finds
over 19,000 when I search for "free news server". Click on one and you
should be able to find a server that carries that .ati NG. You might even
find it worthwhile to subscribe to a fee-based server. No server can carry
ALL Usenet groups; last time I checked, my ISP's server (supernews.com)
listed over 100,000 NGs!

Once you pick a server, follow their instructions to set up the News Account
for it in Outlook Express. Start by clicking Tools | Accounts... | News |

Maybe some other reader here can steer you directly to a free news server
that carries the .ati NG. Just remember that posters there are just like
here: they are just users like you and me, helping each other. Some are
true experts; others are newbies who know less than you and I. Both great
advice and terrible suggestions are posted.

Hi, Peace.

You might want to visit the Usenet newsgroup
alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati. Lots of ATI gurus (and a lot
of newbies
and non-techies like me) hang out there.

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP

Yes, you realy only need upgrade if some thing dosnt work, "If it
works, why upgrade?"
Hi, Peace.

Great! Thanks for the report back. ;<)

But remember: In a newsgroup, we all learn from each other. Now it's your
turn to teach us by telling us what you figured out.

I use a simple rule of thumb for my Radeon. When an update
shows up on windows update, I then go to ATI and download
the latest catalyst. I have never ran into your description on
any of my Radeon updates. Of course I always uninstall the
old drivers first.
What I meant by saying I got it figure out was , I now have the newsgroup
from my ISP listed , All I did was open Outlook Express and click tools
follow by accounts , then I selected news , click add / news which at that
point the internet connection wizard windows came up and I just fill in the
details of my ISP ...