Updating text objects on the form that opened the current form

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I have created a function (Function is below) that can open multiple
instances of the same form and this function is working fine. I created this
new collection to hold the forms:
Public mcolFormInstances As New Collection
Inside the function is this sub: FillTextFields3(rstTemp2, frm) It also is
working fine.

My question is: I open "TourChart3" From this function I then click on a
text object that opens a form Called Match detail to input data which is not
part of mcolFormInstances Collection. Just before this form closes I want to
call FillTextFields3(rstTemp2, frm) and pass the TourChart3 form instance

FillTextFields3 is in a general Module

I could have three or more of TourChart3 open at the same time.

How do I go about this?
======== Function ============
Function OpenFormInstance(FormName As String, _
rstTemp2 As Variant, _
Optional WhereCondition As String)
'Declare the form
Dim frm As Form
'With rstTemp2
Select Case FormName
Case "TourChart1"
Set frm = New Form_TourChart1
Case "TourChart3"
Debug.Print "Form Name -"; FormName
Set frm = New Form_TourChart3
Call FillTextFields3(rstTemp2, frm)
Case "MatchDetail"
Set frm = New Form_MatchDetail
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
End Select
If WhereCondition <> "" Then
frm.Filter = WhereCondition
frm.FilterOn = True
End If
'Call FillTextFields(rstTemp2, frm)
'Make the form visible
frm.Visible = True
'Need to add a reference to the form so that it doesn't
'imediately close when the form variable goes out of scope

mcolFormInstances.Add frm
'End With
End Function
======== End Code that open an instance of the form ============
when you open Match form - you can pass it a reference of calling TourChart3
form, and then on it's close event call FillTextFields3(rstTemp2,

frmCalling could be declared as public var at Match form's class module

Best regards,
Alex Dybenko (MVP)
Alex I still pretty new at Access and VBA. I'm not using my open form module
but I would like to. I don't understand how to pass parameters from one form
to another. I'm still tring to grap this area. This is how I open Match

Private Sub Match17b_Click()
Dim MatchNumber As Integer
MatchNumber = 17
DoCmd.OpenForm "MatchDetail", , , "TourID = " & Me.TourID & _
"AND SectionID = " & Me.SectionID & _
"AND MatchNum = " & MatchNumber, acFormEdit
End Sub

if you declare frmCalling at MatchDetail form's class module as:

public frmCalling as form

then you can set it as:

DoCmd.OpenForm "MatchDetail", , , "TourID = " & Me.TourID & _
"AND SectionID = " & Me.SectionID & _
"AND MatchNum = " & MatchNumber, acFormEdit

set forms("MatchDetail").frmCalling=me

and then use it in this form

Best regards,
Alex Dybenko (MVP)