Updating Subform Controls Property's when Form is open.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Younie
  • Start date Start date

John Younie

Hi All
I have created a continuous sub-form by dragging a query
onto a tab control surface and all works well. I want to
be able to check the value of one of the fields of every
record of the query and make a comparison with a value.
If the value is higher I want to alter the back color of
the text box controls to Red or Amber to highlight a

I can get the back color to change when first the query is
opened but the remainder of the records remain that
colour. I have been trying to use the Current Record
event (and various others) without success and any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

John said:
I have created a continuous sub-form by dragging a query
onto a tab control surface and all works well. I want to
be able to check the value of one of the fields of every
record of the query and make a comparison with a value.
If the value is higher I want to alter the back color of
the text box controls to Red or Amber to highlight a

I can get the back color to change when first the query is
opened but the remainder of the records remain that
colour. I have been trying to use the Current Record
event (and various others) without success and any help
would be greatly appreciated.

If you're using A2K or later, then you can use Conditional
Formatting (Format menu) to do that.
Marsh, thanks for the tip, I am using 2K and I am sure I
will use conditional formatting sometime in the future.

My problem is that each record has a different value to be
compared to (I use DLOOKUP to get that from another table)
and I don't think conditional formatting will work for

Any other ideas would be great.



I take back what I said in the previous email. It took a
while to sort out the expression but wow, conditional
formatting is so powerful.

Thanks for that, got me past a stopping point.



p.s. Dlookup text in case you are interested.

DLookUp("[Alarm Level One]","tblLRUStockLvl","[Part_No] =
That's good to hear John.
MVP [MS Access]

John said:

I take back what I said in the previous email. It took a
while to sort out the expression but wow, conditional
formatting is so powerful.

Thanks for that, got me past a stopping point.



p.s. Dlookup text in case you are interested.

DLookUp("[Alarm Level One]","tblLRUStockLvl","[Part_No] =
-----Original Message-----
Marsh, thanks for the tip, I am using 2K and I am sure I
will use conditional formatting sometime in the future.

My problem is that each record has a different value to be
compared to (I use DLOOKUP to get that from another table)
and I don't think conditional formatting will work for

Any other ideas would be great.

