updating multiple tables



Hi all... this is one part of ASP.net that i just dont understand...
and GOD knows, i am trying.
I have 2 tables, the first one called country [countryID, countryName]
and the second called product[productID, countryID, productName]

I create a datagrid and have to custom write the sql Select command

Up to this point it all works fine... the hitch is that i also want to
be able to update the damned thing... here is the declaration of my
datasource... what do I need to do? please I am a newbie here... so
dont get to technical use easy words and if you have to swear at me,
dont use stars, I am likley going to think that is some sort of
variable and will try use it in some code...

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="countryList" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT country.*, product.* FROM country, product
WHERE country.countryID = product.countryID;"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE Product SET [cost]=? WHERE [countryID]=? AND
<asp:parameter Name="cost" Type="int32" />
<asp:parameter Name="countryID" Type="int32" />
<asp:parameter Name="productID" Type="int32" />

How does asp.net KNOW what values to put into the update parameters ?
and what do you guys think I am missing here ?


S. Justin Gengo


I can't really answer your question exactly, but I can point you to a
tutorial that I think may help your understanding:


The link above is to a tutorial on adding a dropdownlist to the edit area of
a gridview control (all without coding) so that the items to choose from in
the gridview (linked via PrimaryKey) in the main table are selectable in the
dropdown and the primary key gets updated in the original table.

It should be a good start for you to understand what's going on. (I hope.)


S. Justin Gengo
Web Developer / Programmer

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