Actually Russ, the situation is slightly more complex to be solved by
As I have mentioned earlier, I have stored my contacts in sub-folders
arranged by their companies.
Whenever I need to do a mail merge, I go to each folder and select the
contacts I feel are relevant targets for the mailer based on their job
titles, my prior discussion with them etc, and then copy these contacts to
temp folder.
Doing this sorting by categories, would not be feasible as I might choose
send the mailer to one person in one company and choose not to some other
a diff company despite them having the same job title.
I also need to follow up with these people once I send the mailer out. So,
need to somehow manage to keep a track of who all I have sent the mailer
Copying these contacts to a new temp folder gives me that flexibility,
I will have to remember which contacts I have sent my mailer to -- abt 150
avg from over 90 odd companies.
But doing that creates the problem that now two separate contacts are
created. And there seems to be no way I can update the contacts in this
folder and it gets reflected back automatically.
If there is a way for me to paste a shortcut to the original contact in
temp folder or create a list, then my problem would get solved. This way I
will have the contacts ready for follow up as well and won't have to
additional contacts.
Thanks and Regards
Russ Valentine said:
So if I understand your question, you prefer to create a copy of your
Contacts to do a mail merge, but not deal with the fact that you now have
separate Contact Records for the same Contact. That is a conundrum
Categories is the answer to that problem. The fact that you use Word is
irrelevant. All mail merges use Word. You start the merge from Outlook so
you can select the Category for the merge.
Russ Valentine
Thanks for your reply Russ.
The reason I need to put this info in the subfolder created for the
because it becomes easier to do a phone follow up on the contacts to
have sent out the mailer to. e.e. I might have close to 1000 contacts,
specific mailer would go to only -- lets say -- VP & AVP level
contacts --
which could be abt 100 in number and distributed in various folders as
the companies they belong to. So I select these contacts, put them in a
folder and then do a mailmerge.
The reason I don't use categories is that I do the mailmerge using MS
and secondly the category information is not entered in all the
it becomes difficult to select them if I use categories.
I don't understand why it is necessary to put this information into
subfolder you created for the merge. Why not place it in the original
Contact Record?
Even better, if you did the merge from Outlook, why not use Categories
instead of subfolders to do your merge?
Russ Valentine
Hi All
This is what I am trying to do.
I have a number of contacts in a number of subfolders arranged by
Company name.
Whenever I need to do a mailmerge, I copy the relevant contacts into
folder, send it out and then follow up over the phone.
Many a times, when I am doing the follow ups --- I get additional
information which I note down in the notes section.
My problem is that I need to update this information back in the
that I originally took the contact from. Currently, I have to cut
contact into the subfolder, and replacing the older contact entry.
Is there a way to paste a shortcut or a link in Outlook?? or is
there a
to write a macro which will move the updated contacts back into the
folder ( based on company name)??