Congrast on getting basic mouse functions running.
So your only problem is the additional buttons. It's a Kensington issue.
Are the functions for these buttons pre-assigned, or are they programmable
by the user?
If pre-assigned, the functionality will be implemented by Kensington driver.
If use programmable, the mouse driver is waiting for you to tell it what the
extra buttons do. For multi-button mice (beyond 2 buttons), often times, it
is the matching application program that picks up the link to the driver,
Photoshop or CAD comes to mind. For games, I'm not sure which game under
Vista works with which mouse/driver combo.
Step by step, unplug devices you can live without. Start with the MS mouse.
Next step would be to go to Kensignton and get their latest "Vista
compatible drivers" and use those.
I wouldn't keep banging on the HID-compliant door, I'd get fresh drivers,
especially if you are running x64 Vista.
Besides these ideas, I'd go to the 10,000 foot level and say, what do I want
to accomplish? Can I do it with another mouse. Can it be a MS mouse, etc.
(I had no luck with a lovely MS wireless notebook mouse on Vista Home 64
Premium, FYI)
For my money, a simple working corded optical mouse that isn't hassling my
brain is worth 5 extra buttons on any HID device (smile)
Use a simple mouse for a few months and let the drivers catch up with you,
Starman. I wouldn't keep 2 mice plugged in case Vista freaks, only for a
short period of testing. It is way too confusing for Vista to see multiple
tho, here's another idea. Let's say the first time you installed Kensington
mouse, the driver was old, or odd. The Windows update probably ran, maybe
replacing or tinkering with the driver. Then maybe you loaded yet another
fresher driver, assuming "well of couse, it will correctly uninstall the old
and install the new"
What do they say about assume? you got it.
Maybe the registry in the Kensington device and software area looks like a
kidney pie; if you have a UPS and are confident with regedit, you could
delete the whole kensington support tree, reboot and start over, this time
with new drivers. Export the registry first just in case, then burn it to a
OK, I've assumed you have no infection of any kind, and that the bare
minimum software is loaded. Maybe i'm wrong. I've also assumed this is a
persistent problem, and you have already reloaded Vista spanking clean again,
with all your fresh uninfected drivers on a thumb drive or CD.
I could be wrong; your mileage may vary. Objects which appear on this screen
may not be yada yada, but i'd reinstall is I was determined to get the thing
working, and i'd do the fresh install FIRST with the known-good MS mouse,
then add the K mouse, then subtract the MS mouse, with liberal reboots and
Windows updates in between. When I say reboot, ideally it means Shut Down,
wait 60 seconds, reboot.
Michael, that's as far as I can go for you, i hope it is enough.
Please try to help someone else as hard as I've tried to help you.
Pass it on.
Good luck