Updating forms when fields change

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eric
  • Start date Start date


I changed a field lookup properties from a value list
under row source type to Table/Query. I then changed the
row source to the new lookup table I created. My problem
is the previous forms I created using that field, I do the
same thing - change row source type and row source under
the field properties on the form itself - it does not make
the change. If I create the form again it pulls in the
new field lookup information correctly. Obviously I do
not want to create a new form each time I make a change to
a fields properties. What am I doing wrong?

Also if you use a lookup table, how do make it sorted when
the field is displayed on the form. I tried sorting the
source table and saving it, but the change is not
reflected on any form where it is used.

You are correct that changing Lookup properties in a table won't affect any
existing forms - but you should be able to open the affected forms in design
view, change the combo box properties, and save your change. What are you
changing and why do you think it's not working?

To sort the list, you should use a query for the Row Source with an Order By
clause that specifies the sequence you want. A combo box or list box does
not inherit any saved sort properties from the table.

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)

I believe the reason why it did not work on the form is
that I did not define a primary key on the lookup table.
I am at home now and tested out an older copy of my work
database and it worked.

Thanks for info about sorting. It worked.

I changed from a Value List to a Table/Query lookup simply
because the number of values has increased. It appears to
be easier to add more records to a table than to zoom in
on the Value list with all of the quotations and commas
etc. Is my reason flawed. Is there and easier way to add
to a value list - not that it is real difficult when you

Thanks for your help.

I need to think first before answering. It had nothing to
do with the primary key not being defined. I just tried
it again and it worked without defining a primary key.
Maybe when I get to work and look at what I did I can
figure it out. For some reason everytime I opened the
form with the field with the updated lookup, it asked for
a value to fill in for that field in a parameter query.
I must of done something stupid.

Thanks again.